Thursday, September 18, 2014

Why Technology Makes Us Look Stupid Sometimes

Hello everyone.  ^.^  Yes, social media is HUGE in this modern-day-and-age and I feel as though I must address this issue (for some) tonight as well as technology in general.  I wonder how many of my readers actually use social media.  In the comments below write what you use most and let's see how many people think the same...  :D

Anyway, I am a big fan of +Google+.  I used it before it actually was invented.  I really used +Gmail until I found the new icon on the right of the screen that said +Mira.  Curious, I clicked it and my world seemed to be opened.  I could do so much more than just send and receive emails.  I could connect with the world and understand who is around me, understand what reality really is.

Not only does +Google+ unlock your work, it also brings new opportunities for creativity.  I have joined multiple Naruto communities (for those of you who don't know what Google Communities are, they are simply places that people with similar interests can virtually meet up and discuss it.  These are also found on Facebook but I am unsure of how good these are compared to +Google.) and mythology communities.  There I could interact with people in a safe environment (with identity security) and learn and grow as a person.

Anyway, social media has seemed to overtake our lives as human beings.  Our specie was designed to interact and be social, but how we have needed to cling to it every waking moment of our lives is a bit daunting.  Perhaps it is too much...  Perhaps we have become too connected...

With all the new hub-bub about nude images being leaked from celebrities due to the +Google Cloud, it just tells us, that perhaps we are using technology for more wrong, than right...

I don't mean that technology is a bad thing, but we are using it for things that it truly was not designed for.  Originally, the term technology or machine is defined as 'something which makes human life more convenient".  Do you think that is really what we are using technology for?  Comment below and tell me what you think...

Also, with the release of the new iPhone 6, there has been even more attention to what we as humans really use technology for.  People camped out and waited over night for this sensation, only to find out that it is not as great as the marketing said.

It has become our culture to innovate and discover new things but to the extent to making our iPhones bigger, lighter, and connect to WiFi faster.  I have heard rumors of trying to create a large ranging WiFi in states or small countries!

Anyway, I hope that one day we as human beings will return to looking people in the eyes without fear, shaking hands, and addressing people by name.  I know that there are very special people out there who do it and I thank you, on behalf of humanity's struggle to break from our screens.

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