Thursday, September 18, 2014

Awakening of the Soul (Part 2)

Hello again dearest viewers.  And yes, I know what some of you are thinking: '2 blog posts in one day!!!???'  Well...  yes!  I just love to write and allow my thoughts to flourish.  I actually have not been feeling my best and strangely, when I am under the weather, I tend to think very deeply about things and have more emotional inspiration.

Anyways, this post is one that many of you have asked for.  So, I am going to grant it.

Awakening of the Soul

(part 2)

So, the soul is something very difficult to understand.  How it functions and even if it exists is always a large debate among humans alike and different.  As I mentioned in my past post about the soul, they are fabled to exist.  Science has been able to prove auras but not the entirety of the soul (for I believe that the aura and the soul are connected).  Also based on one of my older posts about auras, they are sometimes seen or felt in colors.

These things all lead up to how the soul's supernatural or heavenly abilities are awakened to the conscious mind.  There are some people who are able to channel that down and use it.  Some of these people are magicians who use their aura to set things on fire, not feel pain, or other such seeming-miracles.

However, there are completely extraordinary people who are also able to.  I do believe that any human being can accomplish this feat but it takes work and understanding.   Then again, there are those who are born with this ability...  Society labels these people as special or Godly.  If you think about the history, Jesus Christ, Muhammed, and other such deities possessed this ability to the extreme.

Now, this blog post is not going to talk on and on about those people's miraculous feats and what they accomplished.  It is to talk about what you readers and I are capable of doing.  I know that there are many extraordinary people like myself out there and some of them sadly do not know what they can really do if they try hard enough and work at it.

A few years ago when I watched this video, I knew deep in my heart that I had achieved them all without really knowing.  (Forgive me if I am sounding arrogant, this is NOT the purpose!)  I remember I was sitting there at my Grandma's house at night, watching it.  I had been surfing YouTube mindlessly just chillin' out.  It was summer and there was nothing better to occupy my mind at 2am.

Then I found this video: The 10 Symptoms. It claimed to be about the specific signs of someone who had been spiritually awakened.  Being a very spiritual person, I was immediately interested.

You all know when you are up super late with your eyes practically attached to the screen right...  Well, this was one of those moments.  I kinda had this glaze over my eyes and was kinda auto-piloting so I had to rub my eyes and kinda wake myself up for this video.  I could tell this was serious stuff.  Nothing else I had watched that night even came close to the caption and the thought provoking comments about this video.  I could almost say that there was some celestial feeling deep in me that was telling me to watch this video.

I patiently waited for the ad to finish and then I full-screened the video.

This is what I found:
Symptom 1:
Your sleep patterns change.

Symptom 2:
The activity going on in the crown of your head.  Tingling, itching sensations run over your scalp, feelings as though someone is applying pressure to the top of your head.

This is crown chakra opening.  You are receiving divine energy/ inspirations.

Symptom 3:
Waves of emotion.  Crying, sadness, anger, etc, for seemingly no reason.  This is a release of blocked emotions that can come from the heart chakra.  Acknowledge and release these emotions as they arise.  This is clearing emotions from your past.

Symptom 4:
You notice old issues keep coming back and you begin to feel lost.  Don't overanalyze these situations.  Accept and face what comes and then release it.  This will cleanse you and will help you find your way forwards.  You are NEVER LOST!

Symptom 5:
Your body changes.  (this does not mean puberty or a stage of life)  Do not panic if you lose weight or put it on.  Your body and spirit are changing.  This will settle you when old issues are arising and dealt with.  Your vibration is arising as you surrender.

Symptom 6:
Your senses have increased sensitivity.  You may hear your name called, voices, and sounds.  You may also begin to notice sparkles and light, shadows, light, movements, and auras around objects.  Your 5 senses are being retuned and your 6th sense is opening up.  The lights, shadows, and auras you are seeing are you spirits and guides (but do not listen to them if they are telling you to harm yourself or others).  Thank them but lay down ground rules.  YOU are always in charge!

Symptom 7:
You begin to view the whole world and all that supports it in a new way, a new understanding.  Be compassionate and loving to all things.  You are feeling what truly "is".  Go with the flow.  Trust!

Symptom 8:
You desire to break free of old habits and restrictive patterns.  Do it!  Release the old you so you may be filled with the new.  Set yourself free and trust in love!

Symptom 9:
Synchronistic events flow as you are being shown that you're on the right path.  Number sequences, meetings, pictures, visions flow in your direction.  These coincidences have great meanings and tie in with your thoughts.

Symptom 10:
You are not alone in your awakening.  Love and Light.

So, those are the symptoms of Spiritual Awakening.  I thought that this eye-opening video is appropriate to place on my blog because when I was younger (about 2 years ago) I saw this video.  As I already mentioned, I was not expecting something so deep and meaningful to come out of out.  I was just looking for a funny video like the Dubstep Cat or If Geek Girls Acted Like Geek Guys.  Instead, God or who ever you believe in (or your science teacher...  up to you really) brought me to that video with some worldly power.

After watching that video and realizing that I was in fact all of those things and they all had happened to me in the course of my short life, I knew...  This video was special and I needed to know more.

Re-watching it later with my Mother only made me more determined to confront this new information about my soul.  I began meditation to try and discover how my body was linked with my mind, which was in all linked with my soul or eternal being.  I knew that there was something I had unlocked and something that I needed to learn to control.  I knew that my deepest and darkest questions would be answered if I could understand how I worked as a human being and a spiritual being.

Re-watching it recently, I looked back on my life in more depth (for it has been at least 3 years since me watching that video for the first time) and I realized, that more of those things had been redefined recently.  My sleeping patterns have indeed changed and so have I physically.  I have grown taller and stronger.  Indeed, that prepared me for things that occurred shortly after which I had dealt with in my past.

Also, on the topic of dealing with things and noticing when things re-occur from the past, I believe that every human being has their life repeated somewhere.  There are many events which repeat themselves.  I don't mean just having dinner or kissing your other half, but I mean meaningful and deepening situations.

An example of one of mine was when (this also ties in with synchronistic events) I was reading through some of my old schoolwork when I was just in like, 3rd grade.  I stumbled upon something I had written for a contest (and only won 2nd place...  :P) titled If I Could Change the World... and I said I would give everyone education and encourage them to find the passion of learning.

If my readers do not know, that is what I have wanted to do all my life... ever since I can remember.  However, I cannot remember much past 7th grade.  I have seen that my whole life has been revolved around education and poverty.  My own sense of love and passion for learning encouraged me to share it with others.  Then being taken out of poverty myself, I found that I would give other gifted students in poverty a chance to love to learn and be educated on the world around them.

So, reading the words of 8 year-old me was something sublime!  I got chills and smiled, knowing that this was something precious, something that had repeated itself again through my life.

If any of my readers have had a moment when they realized that 'this has happened before' or 'i've already done this', comment below and share your story.  I'd love to hear it.  :)

Now, I feel as though people that have awakened their soul or are very good at understanding others can understand when this is happening.  They can notice things repeating because their minds are on another level, seeing things from the broad picture and understanding the significance to a whole new level than what other can.  I am not saying that other people who cannot are stupid or dumb...  I am just pointing out a strong point of those who can.

A few years older and re-watching this video made me sure that I knew what I was doing with my life.  I am 99.9% sure of who I am as a person and what my impact is on others. (don't ask about the 0.1%...  still working on it.  ^.^)  I really can see the full connection of life and how things ripple outwards, like a pool, each pebble being every individual, but the pool being humanity and life.

Before you go and this post ends, think about what that video means to you, if it awakens something within yourself or not...  Feel free to share your thoughts or experiences in the comments, for I would GREATLY enjoy reading them.

Don't forget to vote on my poll at the bottom of the blog page or directly send me a comment about what you want to hear about next.

<3 :)  Spread the love and life comrades...  :)  <3

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