Monday, September 29, 2014

Good Old Internet Explorer

I was looking at the history of what systems are used to and saw this:

I have to say... I was a little shocked...

For some reason, there is a global hatred for the browser called Internet Explorer...  It may not be as efficient as Chrome or Safari... but it get's the job done... sort of.

I really can't hate on good ol' Internet Explorer.  It was the first to pioneer into the dark space of the internet itself and thus, was the first explorer.  We cannot judge it for it's poor skills and gear but it opened up the door to the empire of cyberspace.

Without our dear Internet Explorer, there wouldn't be the good browsers we know today...

So let's not hate on our little friend...  Enjoy the beginnings of our little cyberspace explorer...

Friday, September 19, 2014

TWISTED: The Untold Story of the Royal Administrator

This is my 2nd post for today!!!  Yay.

This musical play is truly something funny.  I love it truly because it makes you think about what truly goes on in someone's life and what they had on their plate, defining their actions.

It is similar to Wicked and is a parody of Aladdin, retelling the story and life of Jaffar from his perspective.

This production was put on by a company in the United States called Team Starkid.  They sponsor and direct interesting productions that prompt questions about famous plays or movies.  They created the Very Potter Musicals, Twisted, and other amazing pieces.

While I was painting, I found this musical and began to watch.  It made me laugh until I cried and the lead actor was amazing.  I thought the way he made lines into their own special moments extremely captivating.  Everything about him was very special and unique.

Then watching it with a friend (Angela), we found ourselves laughing hysterically to certain facial expressions we caught the lead actor in.  They were screenshots taken at the wrong time but made me smile.

Today I am writing this post, NOT to make fun of him or mock him, but to praise this lead actor for being able to manipulate his facial muscles to make everyone who saw him smile.  I certainly hope to meet such a man in my own life to shake his hand and say "You, sir... have made me smile and laugh when I felt as though my world was coming down on my shoulders!"

Here are some of my favorite:

Those were my favorite parts.  Tell me what you think in the comments and tell me if you are going to watch TWISTED.  :D
Please do not watch this production if you are under 13 years of age.  It contains mature material and explicit language.  However, these language choices and themes fit and suit the production and I would not see another way of them putting it on without including it.

If you do, write your opinion in the comment below.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Awakening of the Soul (Part 2)

Hello again dearest viewers.  And yes, I know what some of you are thinking: '2 blog posts in one day!!!???'  Well...  yes!  I just love to write and allow my thoughts to flourish.  I actually have not been feeling my best and strangely, when I am under the weather, I tend to think very deeply about things and have more emotional inspiration.

Anyways, this post is one that many of you have asked for.  So, I am going to grant it.

Awakening of the Soul

(part 2)

So, the soul is something very difficult to understand.  How it functions and even if it exists is always a large debate among humans alike and different.  As I mentioned in my past post about the soul, they are fabled to exist.  Science has been able to prove auras but not the entirety of the soul (for I believe that the aura and the soul are connected).  Also based on one of my older posts about auras, they are sometimes seen or felt in colors.

These things all lead up to how the soul's supernatural or heavenly abilities are awakened to the conscious mind.  There are some people who are able to channel that down and use it.  Some of these people are magicians who use their aura to set things on fire, not feel pain, or other such seeming-miracles.

However, there are completely extraordinary people who are also able to.  I do believe that any human being can accomplish this feat but it takes work and understanding.   Then again, there are those who are born with this ability...  Society labels these people as special or Godly.  If you think about the history, Jesus Christ, Muhammed, and other such deities possessed this ability to the extreme.

Now, this blog post is not going to talk on and on about those people's miraculous feats and what they accomplished.  It is to talk about what you readers and I are capable of doing.  I know that there are many extraordinary people like myself out there and some of them sadly do not know what they can really do if they try hard enough and work at it.

A few years ago when I watched this video, I knew deep in my heart that I had achieved them all without really knowing.  (Forgive me if I am sounding arrogant, this is NOT the purpose!)  I remember I was sitting there at my Grandma's house at night, watching it.  I had been surfing YouTube mindlessly just chillin' out.  It was summer and there was nothing better to occupy my mind at 2am.

Then I found this video: The 10 Symptoms. It claimed to be about the specific signs of someone who had been spiritually awakened.  Being a very spiritual person, I was immediately interested.

You all know when you are up super late with your eyes practically attached to the screen right...  Well, this was one of those moments.  I kinda had this glaze over my eyes and was kinda auto-piloting so I had to rub my eyes and kinda wake myself up for this video.  I could tell this was serious stuff.  Nothing else I had watched that night even came close to the caption and the thought provoking comments about this video.  I could almost say that there was some celestial feeling deep in me that was telling me to watch this video.

I patiently waited for the ad to finish and then I full-screened the video.

This is what I found:
Symptom 1:
Your sleep patterns change.

Symptom 2:
The activity going on in the crown of your head.  Tingling, itching sensations run over your scalp, feelings as though someone is applying pressure to the top of your head.

This is crown chakra opening.  You are receiving divine energy/ inspirations.

Symptom 3:
Waves of emotion.  Crying, sadness, anger, etc, for seemingly no reason.  This is a release of blocked emotions that can come from the heart chakra.  Acknowledge and release these emotions as they arise.  This is clearing emotions from your past.

Symptom 4:
You notice old issues keep coming back and you begin to feel lost.  Don't overanalyze these situations.  Accept and face what comes and then release it.  This will cleanse you and will help you find your way forwards.  You are NEVER LOST!

Symptom 5:
Your body changes.  (this does not mean puberty or a stage of life)  Do not panic if you lose weight or put it on.  Your body and spirit are changing.  This will settle you when old issues are arising and dealt with.  Your vibration is arising as you surrender.

Symptom 6:
Your senses have increased sensitivity.  You may hear your name called, voices, and sounds.  You may also begin to notice sparkles and light, shadows, light, movements, and auras around objects.  Your 5 senses are being retuned and your 6th sense is opening up.  The lights, shadows, and auras you are seeing are you spirits and guides (but do not listen to them if they are telling you to harm yourself or others).  Thank them but lay down ground rules.  YOU are always in charge!

Symptom 7:
You begin to view the whole world and all that supports it in a new way, a new understanding.  Be compassionate and loving to all things.  You are feeling what truly "is".  Go with the flow.  Trust!

Symptom 8:
You desire to break free of old habits and restrictive patterns.  Do it!  Release the old you so you may be filled with the new.  Set yourself free and trust in love!

Symptom 9:
Synchronistic events flow as you are being shown that you're on the right path.  Number sequences, meetings, pictures, visions flow in your direction.  These coincidences have great meanings and tie in with your thoughts.

Symptom 10:
You are not alone in your awakening.  Love and Light.

So, those are the symptoms of Spiritual Awakening.  I thought that this eye-opening video is appropriate to place on my blog because when I was younger (about 2 years ago) I saw this video.  As I already mentioned, I was not expecting something so deep and meaningful to come out of out.  I was just looking for a funny video like the Dubstep Cat or If Geek Girls Acted Like Geek Guys.  Instead, God or who ever you believe in (or your science teacher...  up to you really) brought me to that video with some worldly power.

After watching that video and realizing that I was in fact all of those things and they all had happened to me in the course of my short life, I knew...  This video was special and I needed to know more.

Re-watching it later with my Mother only made me more determined to confront this new information about my soul.  I began meditation to try and discover how my body was linked with my mind, which was in all linked with my soul or eternal being.  I knew that there was something I had unlocked and something that I needed to learn to control.  I knew that my deepest and darkest questions would be answered if I could understand how I worked as a human being and a spiritual being.

Re-watching it recently, I looked back on my life in more depth (for it has been at least 3 years since me watching that video for the first time) and I realized, that more of those things had been redefined recently.  My sleeping patterns have indeed changed and so have I physically.  I have grown taller and stronger.  Indeed, that prepared me for things that occurred shortly after which I had dealt with in my past.

Also, on the topic of dealing with things and noticing when things re-occur from the past, I believe that every human being has their life repeated somewhere.  There are many events which repeat themselves.  I don't mean just having dinner or kissing your other half, but I mean meaningful and deepening situations.

An example of one of mine was when (this also ties in with synchronistic events) I was reading through some of my old schoolwork when I was just in like, 3rd grade.  I stumbled upon something I had written for a contest (and only won 2nd place...  :P) titled If I Could Change the World... and I said I would give everyone education and encourage them to find the passion of learning.

If my readers do not know, that is what I have wanted to do all my life... ever since I can remember.  However, I cannot remember much past 7th grade.  I have seen that my whole life has been revolved around education and poverty.  My own sense of love and passion for learning encouraged me to share it with others.  Then being taken out of poverty myself, I found that I would give other gifted students in poverty a chance to love to learn and be educated on the world around them.

So, reading the words of 8 year-old me was something sublime!  I got chills and smiled, knowing that this was something precious, something that had repeated itself again through my life.

If any of my readers have had a moment when they realized that 'this has happened before' or 'i've already done this', comment below and share your story.  I'd love to hear it.  :)

Now, I feel as though people that have awakened their soul or are very good at understanding others can understand when this is happening.  They can notice things repeating because their minds are on another level, seeing things from the broad picture and understanding the significance to a whole new level than what other can.  I am not saying that other people who cannot are stupid or dumb...  I am just pointing out a strong point of those who can.

A few years older and re-watching this video made me sure that I knew what I was doing with my life.  I am 99.9% sure of who I am as a person and what my impact is on others. (don't ask about the 0.1%...  still working on it.  ^.^)  I really can see the full connection of life and how things ripple outwards, like a pool, each pebble being every individual, but the pool being humanity and life.

Before you go and this post ends, think about what that video means to you, if it awakens something within yourself or not...  Feel free to share your thoughts or experiences in the comments, for I would GREATLY enjoy reading them.

Don't forget to vote on my poll at the bottom of the blog page or directly send me a comment about what you want to hear about next.

<3 :)  Spread the love and life comrades...  :)  <3

Why Technology Makes Us Look Stupid Sometimes

Hello everyone.  ^.^  Yes, social media is HUGE in this modern-day-and-age and I feel as though I must address this issue (for some) tonight as well as technology in general.  I wonder how many of my readers actually use social media.  In the comments below write what you use most and let's see how many people think the same...  :D

Anyway, I am a big fan of +Google+.  I used it before it actually was invented.  I really used +Gmail until I found the new icon on the right of the screen that said +Mira.  Curious, I clicked it and my world seemed to be opened.  I could do so much more than just send and receive emails.  I could connect with the world and understand who is around me, understand what reality really is.

Not only does +Google+ unlock your work, it also brings new opportunities for creativity.  I have joined multiple Naruto communities (for those of you who don't know what Google Communities are, they are simply places that people with similar interests can virtually meet up and discuss it.  These are also found on Facebook but I am unsure of how good these are compared to +Google.) and mythology communities.  There I could interact with people in a safe environment (with identity security) and learn and grow as a person.

Anyway, social media has seemed to overtake our lives as human beings.  Our specie was designed to interact and be social, but how we have needed to cling to it every waking moment of our lives is a bit daunting.  Perhaps it is too much...  Perhaps we have become too connected...

With all the new hub-bub about nude images being leaked from celebrities due to the +Google Cloud, it just tells us, that perhaps we are using technology for more wrong, than right...

I don't mean that technology is a bad thing, but we are using it for things that it truly was not designed for.  Originally, the term technology or machine is defined as 'something which makes human life more convenient".  Do you think that is really what we are using technology for?  Comment below and tell me what you think...

Also, with the release of the new iPhone 6, there has been even more attention to what we as humans really use technology for.  People camped out and waited over night for this sensation, only to find out that it is not as great as the marketing said.

It has become our culture to innovate and discover new things but to the extent to making our iPhones bigger, lighter, and connect to WiFi faster.  I have heard rumors of trying to create a large ranging WiFi in states or small countries!

Anyway, I hope that one day we as human beings will return to looking people in the eyes without fear, shaking hands, and addressing people by name.  I know that there are very special people out there who do it and I thank you, on behalf of humanity's struggle to break from our screens.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Leaving Singapore

I hope from these blog posts, my readers have gotten to know me better.  If you do, than you know that my time in Singapore meant a lot to me, more than I truly knew.  I was living there for three years and a half total.  I had found a life for myself there and loved every second of it.  I know that sometimes things hurt, life throws you a fastball and you swing-and-miss.  But then you always get back up to take another swing.  Sometimes it throws ya two fastballs and you swing-and-miss.  But then there is the last chance you got, the last fastball.  Instead, then life throws you a curve and you hit it out of the park!

This is what I need to do with coming back the America.  I know that Singapore will always be my home but now I am back to where I grew up... a place of memories and old friends.

Having an asian appearance, Singapore brought out my love of my own culture, seeing everyone around me look like me.  It made my heart soar to look like I belong.  I found that deep inside, I hated looking like a tourist, looking gullible and uneducated in the ways of others.  I disliked it a lot and I always wanted to appear as though I fit in, even when I sometimes had no idea what I was doing.

Moving back to the US seemed like a much bigger jump that I expected.  My family was supportive and love me not matter what.  That thought helped a lot and gave me courage to come back with my head held high.

One of the most difficult things was saying goodbye to my teachers.  I love and cherish school so much that it pains me to leave them.  Even when I move up a grade, I always want to stay in touch with them.  Then, I had to MOVE!  I would not be able to see them for many years...  This was really hit me.

Then friends...  In Singapore I had built myself into the social network through kind and generous people I had met.  I thankfully will be able to keep in contact with them.  :)

Anyways, I will my Singapore because of the deep cultural power it possessed, the ability to have such an international group residing there but does not expect anyone to even slightly reform to better merge the cultural ethnicity of the country.  Instead, the government decreed the official language as English in hopes of allowing everyone to be able to communicate on equal grounds.  Also the religion is not official, but Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam is predominant.

The difference of Singapore to America is that even by living in the United States, there is an underlying (in my opinion) will to slightly become more 'American' or Americanize an individual so that they might appear to be more involved in the broad culture.  I know that America is the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave but still, there seems to be a status-quo culturally.  Yes, there are places and areas designated for certain cultures like China Town or Little India, but the culture and kind of people there are Americanized.  Now going into a Chinese restaurant after being in Singapore, eating with authentic Chinese people, the food here is completely alien to me.  The Chinese Food Americans consume is not even close to what really is fed in China.  Yes, they have some of the names right, but most of the food has been manufactured to the general appeal and conception that Americans have of Asian cuisine.

I am not making the point that ALL American foreign food is wrong or not authentic, but the perception of the outside world to the average American who has not been outside the United States is slightly skewed.  I am also NOT saying that Americans are uneducated or not aware, but that they sometimes lack the cultural depth that comes with travel or experience.

I also am not saying that Americans are too proud to go out and seek other places or cannot afford to do so, but I would encourage people to take a chance.  I am also saying this to any person around the world to go out and at least look into what is out there, see what other people are doing and how they are living.  One truly does not know how important such experiences are in their later life.

Take this from a child who has been FORTUNATE ENOUGH (thank you Mom and Dad) to go out and see these things.  Yes, there are a lot of things I do not know or have seen, but I have been given and discovered the want and utter desire to know them, the experience them.  Looking through another's eyes at the own country or culture is truly something that can never be told or explained.  It must be lived with open eyes.

This is one of the major reasons I am fortunate to be back in the United States, but another reason for me to miss Singapore.  Everyone there had at least been to another country (even if it was just Malaysia or Indonesia), tried new foods, or done something which allowed them to know at least one other culture.  This allowed the community to be a little more open and liberal to new foreigners coming in and making a new name for themselves.  In fact, Singapore was founded by the British, which already had immersed a whole new culture into the natives' lives.

Again, I hope this post did NOT offend anyone.  I love the American way and the dream that they have made for themselves, but in all due respect and honesty, I wish deeply that there was a charity or organization which gave those who could not afford it the chance to leave the country and see other things, deepen their understanding of the world around them.

I know that this is not my TRUE calling, but I hope that what I achieve in my later years will allow me to incorporate this ideal into my life's work: education.

In total, my experience overseas and in Singapore especially has helped me understand the way this world works and other opertunities to define who I am as a person and how I impact the community around me.  I want to take this time to thank those who went on that journey with me in Switzerland or Singapore, or even back in the United States, supporting me and guiding me.  You all have truly helped mould me into who I have become today.  Thank you!

And you readers... You have given me the courage and ability to flower my thoughts as seeds into your minds.  I hope that one day you all shall understand my purpose for writing my thoughts out on this blog, as so many others do too.

Thank you all for taking the time to try and understand me and what I write.  Please continue to read and keep up with my work.  :)  Share and comment your ideas.  Thanks again.  Much love from me.  :D

Monday, September 15, 2014

Shoutout to my Lovely Viewers (Part 2)

Hello hello hello again.  :)

I am back and here was something interesting I saw for this week:
A bunch of people from France and Romania have been reading my blog.  I am honored.  Thank you all so much!  :)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

10 Things to do After a Breakup

Yes, break ups are bad.  The memories of good times together...  Seeing everyone else in relationships and happy...  Seeing your ex with another, doing the things you would do together...  Jumping heart first into another relationship to try to make yourself feel better...  Breaking off the short relationship, only to find that you really loved him/ her...  Then the cycle begins again.

I'm gonna be honest. I have been in a few successful relationships before. And, like all good things do, they came to an end.  Then the sadness hits you mixed with anger or spite.  Yet, you still want to be happy for your ex, which really seems impossible.

This topic has been one of my most requested posts because love, I find, is a very special yet fragile thing.  If you clutch it too hard, it will break. However, by clutching it too gently, it will fly away.

Recently one of my friends went through and break up and some of the cliche things that friends try to say will only really work for a while. What people really need is cold, hard, and useful advice.

Please do not forget to mention if I forgot anything in the comments below...

1.  Hang out with your friends.
People often underestimate how much your friends can help you. Now this doesn't mean you can kiss and tell, but you can do things together that will take your mind off things and get over it.  Such things you can do are...
 go see some good action movies in the cinema and eat some good junk food.
• go 'dress up' and go to the gym.  nothing beats gossiping about the other hot guys eyeing you at the gym as you work out and look like a hot mess.
• go out and enjoy the nightlife of your area.  not only will this allow you to forget your troubles, but it might help you get back on the playing field with Cupid.  nothing is worse than never getting back up after your heart has been knocked down.
• go out of town and travel, see some things you have never seen before and do things you have never done before.  there really might be no better way to clear your head, and your heart!

2. Go out and enjoy the nightlife (either alone or with others).
By dancing away the night and chilling out with no judgment, all sorrows are done.

3.  Study (if you still are in school).
Just because your heart failed, it doesn't mean that your mind has to as well.

4. Go to work and work hard.
If you do what you love for a living, put more time and effort into it.  Who knows what might happen... you might get promoted... or meet someone else at work...

5. Let your emotions out.
Sometimes it is always the best to just cry or be angry.  As long as you don't hurt anyone or yourself, go right ahead.  It might be apart of the healing process.

6. Turn dat sexy up gurrrlllllll...
Nothing makes a girl feel better than buying a new outfit or getting things done like a mani-pedi or their hair.  Then take the night out and see what you can accomplish...

Always go out with a positive attitude and face life head on.  Never turn your back on life, cause it WILL leave you in the dust.  Music often helps for you to build yourself up and make you feel better really fast!

8. Go to the gym.
Working out releases endorphins and makes you feel good.  Also getting your body into better shape makes anyone feel better.

9. Pick up a hobby and work on it.
Learning to express your feelings are always really healthy and a good way to de-stress.  Personally, I write on this blog or work on my novel, which you all have gotten a taste of on this blog (which I WILL be posting more of it when I get around to it, PROMISE!).  I also paint, write poetry, act, or sing songs.  Find something that works for you and pour your heart and soul into it.
ps.  sometimes when i'm lonely, i write fan-fiction.  comment below if you wanna see some of it.  ^.^

10. Find someone else to fall for.
Now, this does not mean to just have fling after fling, but allow yourself to think of someone else as good looking or cute.  This allows your heart to re-open and gets the radar back on, searching for a guy or girl.

Now those are some of the things I do when going through harder times.  Enjoy and tell me in the comments if this was successful or not.

Julius Ceaser's Shakespeare

Ever since I was young, Shakespeare's mighty works have had me by the pants. The way he manipulated his words and sentences, paved the way for other writers to take hold the English language.  Imagine what would go on without such a bold man...

Anyway, I am not here to speak of such childish history, but of another. The production, Juluis Ceaser has struck thousands around the world.  Today, the family's play has toured and been a focus of many prestigious schools for it's study.

Not only did Shakespeare keep the historical text, he maintained the honor and decency of Ancient Rome.  I have had a soft spot in my heart for Rome for a very long time and after reading this proud play, I love it even more.  Also having been there, Shakespeare has captured the atomic atmosphere exceptionally!

Unfortunately, not much is known about Shakespeare's personal history and past.  Such an intelligent man had a powerful mind to manipulate things beyond all belief.  What would it take one of us to forge ahead and wrote like we never have before, invent new words and ways to put then together?  I know it might take me a while...

Many movies and books have tried to put some explanation behind the man's powerful words and plays.  One of those great movies is 'Shakespeare in Love', which tried to put a reason to writing Romeo and Juliette's sad ending as well as Twelfth Night.

Anyway, our production was quite interesting.  Our ensemble had four weeks to come together and preform such a great work.

Much to all our surprise, we pulled it off and managed to struggle through our first two performances.  Then by the third, we realized that we were not as bad as we thought (but no one thought we were in the first place).  We had felt as though we properly worked together as a group.

I really enjoyed my time there and learned a lot about his writing.  I hope to keep things up in the future studying and acting from his works.

PS.  I just got into a play called Midsummer's Night's Jersey (a parody of Midsummer's Night's Dream).