Sunday, August 23, 2015

Commedia del'Arte Cinderella Performance (Photos)

Commedia del'Arte Cinderella Performance

By the company, Traveling Players Ensemble
"Why hello my lady..." 

"OOOOOOH!!!!  You want what now?"

"You all have about 3 more seconds before I lose it!"
"Haven't you already lost it?"
"Shut up!"

"And as you see here folks, this is the national exhibit of..."

"Evening, sir..."

"A cupcake!?!  WAAAAAAAAAAT?"

"Are you enjoying the show yet?"

"Why hello there husband...  Want to marry the prince too?  How about a little off the top of your feet there so you can fit the shoe too!"

These were just some of the good moments from the show.  Hope you all liked.  :)

Visit the link to the trailer of the show here.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Fruits of the Mind (Part 4)

Fruits of the Mind (Part 4)

How do you keep yourself organized?

I mainly just feel my way through my environment and slightly map out a basic plan in my mind.

Do you still believe in anything old-fashioned?  (Example: writing letters)

Yes!  Very much.  Writing letters is a very intimate and personal thing; so by taking the precious time to allow your thoughts to become words on a page for someone, it resembles your touch to their soul.  Besides writing letters to people, I still hang my wet clothes out to dry.  I also love it when a guy acts like a proper gentleman (no swearing, holding doors, walking beside the road, and knowing hot to cook...) and takes me on actual dates before becoming exclusive with my consent.

What is your favorite Olympic event?  What event/ sport do you think they should add that is not currently available?  What event/ sport should they remove?

Probably the poll vault is my favorite event because of the skill it takes to actually launch yourself into the air over a poll.  I wish they would add gladiator-eqsque fighting tasks (without the death and mortal wounds).  The Olympic committee should remove some of running events because there are just too many.  Before I forget, I would also love to see archery on horseback at targets added alongside jousting.

Can beauty be found in chaos?  How do you describe chaos?

Beauty exists within chaos as does chaos in beauty.  The two are very intertwined.  Firstly, chaos is unplanned survival which can be exampled by how well humans did when a plane crashes or something.  There won't be a lot of 'humane order' and we'll all fall back to our animalistic instincts which are deemed as players in chaos' game.

Beauty is in the eyes of the viewer (which could include one's self).  Chaos always has a point of view whether we like it or not.  Therefore, yes, beauty can be found in chaos.

Write three original fitness-related motivational quotes.

1.  "Enough is never really enough."
2.  "The burn means you're doing something right."
3.  "Push, push, drink."

Do you have an ongoing project?  What is it and how will it benefit you?

Cosplay (do I really need to explain anymore about what it means?).  It is going to benefit me by teaching me a lot of great skills like time management, organization, makeup, costume making, prop-creating, budget management, etc...

Do you dwell on the past, or do you move on pretty easily?

I overthink things a lot so the past stays with me too much, though I tend to exist so well in soley the present.  I never move on or transition well so generally, it's pretty hard for me so the past can never really die for me.

Rename these boardgames to describe them better.

Monopoly:  Get Boardwalk/ Capitalist House Leasing
Scrabble:  Words
Clue:  Murder That Is Definitely NOT a 'Mystery'

Which social media app is your favorite?  Why?

None.  Social media is a red devil, one which is really bad but is painfully necessary.

Is acting a learned skill or a natural talent?  Why do you feel that way?

A natural talent which can be improved and nurtured to grow.  The deeper skill needed for acting is based on natural talents like not being afraid of people, being open-minded, and loving life (just a few things).

I feel that way because acting is a very diverse skill and requires a lot of multitasking.

Fruits of the Mind (Part 3)

Fruits of the Mind (Part 3)

Give three examples of situations where "silence is golden".

1.  When getting yelled at when the other person is at fault or blaming you whilst being in a rage.
2.  When you are upset and need to think.
3.  When you are truly at peace and in your happy place (sometimes to enjoy another aspect of an experience, one must use other ways of communicating or receiving).

Do you think with your heart or with your head?  How has that helped or hurt you?

My head because I almost always overthink things.  Most of the time I've only played it safe but that has hurt me a lot before too.

What would you do if you were transported to the European Renaissance period?

I would try to meet Leonardo daVinci and speak with him about the inspirations of his genius inventions.  I might also want to marry someone in high power or find true love in a small farmer's cottage.

Name something you wish was "glow in the dark".

Body paints (cheap ones that I can actually get my makeup greedy hands-on).  I would love to make a glow-in-the-dark Harley Quinn and her Joker to go along with the Bat Family.  Also cosplays which glow in the dark deem amazing!

Name your favorite childhood superhero (a person you thought was invisible).  What fond memories do you have of them?

My grandmother on my mom's side, Shirley Vogel.  Grandmother was always on the ball and a bunch of unbiased fun.  My favorite memory was when her, me, and my little sister, were drinking Pepsis outside the town center where she used to live alone.  Grandmother was burping and farting with the rest of us because of the carbonated liquid.  We laughed then enough for three lifetimes each.

Have you ever thought about climbing a mountain?  If so, which mountain?  What do you hope to gain by this accomplishment?  If you have climbed one, describe the experience in detail.

I climbed the Jungfrau, the highest alp in Switzerland.  I 'climbed' it with skiis with the Wengen group during the ski trip.  I was able to ski down it and even once went off-trail to do some exploring.  I will never forget the icy view and how the wind blew through my body as though I wasn't even there.  A part of my mind was left up there to revel in the amazing view and atmosphere forever.  The immense power of the mountain and how it prevailed over the skies inspired me to leave behind a legacy like that mountain.

What "lessons" do you feel kids today are not being taught?

The importance of spiritual connection to the world around you.  It doesn't have to be through faith in religion but should  greatly involve the power of the soul.  Kids should realize how powerful the human ability to connect with other things is.  When your soul can reach out and feel so deeply the soul of another, nothing else can come close to the development and awareness one can gain.  The sooner one harnesses that ability, the more fulfilled their life becomes and can grow to truly become.

Whether we admit it or not, homosapiens are extreemly spiritual creatures and we desire such connections to maintain a fulfilled life.  I have found that children are more naturally tuned into the spiritual realms of the universe and when young, they can learn to better harness their spiritual beliefs to aid them when they mature.  Too many children these days fail to see their potential in the universe's energy because it has not been encouraged in their younger life.

Name a song or band you like and explain how it fits into your lifestyle.

Five Finger Deathpunch is an extremely passionate and effecting band.  The songs that emerge from their collective brains capture my deep feelings and views which I may not be comfortable revealing to myself even.  Also because they have a slight metallic spin to their style, it allows me to express a seemingly more violent version of myself which everyone around me does not know I am capable of.
  • "The Pride"--> American capitalism
  • "Coming Down"--> depression and teen suicide
  • "Wrong Side of Heaven"--> war veterans and their struggle
  • "M.I.N.E. (End this Way)"--> falling out of love and suffering on a personal scale to gain more from life
  • "Battle Born"--> finding yourself based on what you have made it out of
  • "House of the Rising Sun" (cover)--> finding your place in life and not letting your past define your future

What wastes most of your time?

Thinking.  I always think too much and it causes me to often times forget what I need to do next in a transition of life.

Do you feel like you are on the right track?

No because I have lost who I am in moving and trying to restart my life in its more crucial point.  I feel constantly afraid of what I see in myself and also what I am discovering in my surroundings.  In what I have been through and what I feel may come, I am facing who I truly am or becoming and no lie, it does make me afraid at times.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

A Comedia Del'Arte Cinderella Proformance (Trailer)

Hello readers.  Today I shall be showing you all what I have been working on this past summer (and also why I haven't written as much as usual).  For those who are not familiar, I am an actress and love working with very interesting forms of drama.  When I first got a taste for acting, it was in the style of mostly physical work (red nose clowning, mask-work, comedia del'arte, etc...).  Soon after I devoted myself to studying Shakespeare and working on highly dramatical shows which he wrote. Before summer even began, I realized I wanted to go back to my roots of acting: physical studies.  I auditioned for a troupe who would be performing the show, Cinderella in the style of Comedia del'Arte.  For those who do know know much about this style, check it out here.

Anyways, check out the trailer to the show and please enjoy what is demo-ed.  Can you guess who I am?  Let me give you a hint: I portray a Zanni soldier.

Leave your comments and let me know if you are in the area and would like to come and see the show in person.  :)

Visit the link to the photos here.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Fruits of the Mind (Part 2)

Fruits of the Mind (Part 2)

Describe what common sense means to you.

Common sense derives from the basic laws of nature which are engraved in our instincts.  Humans, possessing slightly higher intelligence, are capable of expanding these instinctual laws to things like "Don't swing on that broken swing, you'll fall" or "Don't eat what fell on the floor, you could get sick 'cause the ground is dirty."  All those things lead back to our instincts to survive and maintain our ability to procreate.  Anything that seems to put that on the line is believed the be 'common sense' to avoid.

What gives you a sense of security?

Music.  Music is always there for you even when everyone and everything else abandons you (or cannot fill the holes in your soul).  The way the rhythm moves through ones body can actually affect ones heart and only proves how physically music can touch us!  We all already know how the music can touch the soul but how it also can move the body means there is something that music can do to our bodies which is even more mind-blowing.  Through my whole life, music has shaped how I feel and will continue to feel forever (I am sure).

Name five things that you are most thankful for right now.

1.  My life--> I'm still alive to write this.
2.  My brain--> it keeps me going (no one has it harder).
3.  Love--> it's always in the universe no matter if I am feeling it or not.
4.  Hope--> it's my middle name for God's sake (doesn't that say enough?).
5.  Music--> see previous question for explanation.

What season is your favorite and what do you love most about it?

My favorite is winter because everything dies and strangely enough, is covered in the pure white snow.  It is interesting because since there is so much death, one might expect a lot of gloomy colors but the white snow covers up the death and makes things seem brighter.  It is just a truly interesting time and fun to ponder about.

Do you think chewing gum is beneficial or just a bad habit?

Very beneficial!  Science shows chewing gum at certain times may improve your memory and allow you to recall points from your past.  Also it helps pass time and entertains your conscious mind.  I actually wonder why I've never been chewing gum in my dreams.  Science does show that those kind of things do affect the subconscious but it's never appeared in my dreams.  Interesting...

How do you tend to handle confrontation?

I tend to relax and internalize almost all of it, no matter whose fault.  I will gladly stand in dead silence while the other confronts me in whatever manner they chose best.

Do you have a favorite visual artist?  What is your favorite work of art by them and how does it speak to you?

My favorite visual artist would be Leonardo DaVinci because of the way his brilliant mind speak so clearly through his work and inventions.  He was a true art pioneer for his time and even now!  He was able to surpass the restrictions of his time to express himself to his full potential.  Even many artists today (including myself) cannot 'properly' or 'give complete justice' to what they create in their heads.  DaVinci was able to get as close to his mind's eye vision as possible.  Also he was a true Renaissance Man, master of more than one artisan trade.  To be a true artist, you cannot only be an artist.

My favorite piece would have to be the sketches he did in his sketchbooks.  They speak to me because the sketchings of an artist show their true mind the best (I think) and he seems much more human and relatable (due to his marks and how he portrays his subjects).

What are your thoughts about reality TV?  Is there any benefit to watching it?

Reality TV is funny in some ways but to me, it is just the exploitation of human existence for capitalism.  People change when other are watching them and judging them.  Therefore, what is seen on the glowing screen isn't really show they are or portraying how they feel.  It's just unfair and potentially able to create something like the Kardashians, which in my opinion is poison to the mind.

What is your favorite store and what do you love to buy there?

Hot Topic without a doubt (Spencer's is second) because of the kooky and out-of-the-ordinary merchandise is sold there.  My kinda people shop there because there are a lot of cosplay stuff there for me to utilize and really awesome band fan merchandise (Fallout Boy, Black Veil Brides, Disturbed, Godsmack, Five Finger Death Punch...).  Also there are Batman, Sherlock, Avengers, and Supernatural stuff galore.

How do you feel about the color red?

I simply love the color red!  Red resembles something deeper within your souls and can symbolize many diverse and interesting things.

Fruits of the Mind (Part 1)

Fruits of the Mind (Part 1)

A while back, I got this book called 500 Writing Prompts and it is AMAZING!!!!  I just want to share some of the things which I have written down from the book.  I defiantly suggest getting this book because as you will soon understand, it not only covers the ridiculous aspects of life, but also makes one thing much deeper about peculiar issues.

If you readers have any interesting questions for me to answer, feel free to comment below or even answer some of the questions I pose.


Name one thing you wish your cellphone did for you that it currently does not.

I wish my cellphone could show me whenever someone is thinking or wanting to text/ reach me (when their phone is in their hands).  That would eliminate me constantly wondering over how people perceive me or if someone whom I wish was thinking about me really is or not.  Also it might cure the issue of people being too afraid to text someone.  Then I could just text them first.

Write ten thoughts that will be stuffed inside fortune cookies for strangers to read.

1.  Fire smells like burning things.
2.  World peace starts with the peace of an individual.
3.  Happiness is never physical.
4.  The soul is never individual.
5.  Patience is not a virtue, 'tis a genetic trait and skill.
6.  Defy your genetics today!
7.  One day the world shall awaken and weep.
8.  Humans are not the superior race.
9.  Apes poses the ability to lie and deceive unlike many other animals... we originate from apes.
10.  Go a day without hate or negative judgment.

If you found yourself in Oz, what would you do differently than Dorothy?

I most certainly would not be as afraid and tedious as she was.  Being in a technicolor new place would seem awesome at first.  I would miss my real life outside it but I wouldn't faff around like she did.  I might try to be intent on making myself something in Oz rather than spending the whole time trying to get home.  Then if I was going home, I would try to bring something magical back with me.

Talk about your favorite pair of shoes and why you love them so much.

I love my converse!  The older they get, the more I cherish and care for them.  They just show one how much you've grown and how many places you've traveled to.  Also mine tear to properly fit my weird feet faster than most other shoes so they are more comfortable.  Just something about how the color fades in them and how they become more and more used to your individual feet makes the relationship one can develop with their shoes very personal.

Do you think dinosaurs and humans could coexist today?  What would make that possible or impossible?

I totally think we could coexist!  However, the only slight problem would be that the humans would try to domesticate or put the dinosaurs in exhibits (following the majority of human nature).  I'm sure everything would end up like Jurassic Park/ World but it's never too late to imagine and try it out (and hopefully learn from those amazing movies).

Finish the sentence: "Life is short..."

...but never too short to do something good for another (be it alive, dead, an animal, plant, human, or inanimate object/ structure).

Do you find skeletons to be interesting or scary?

Very interesting!  Death only intrigues me rather than frighten me.  Therefore skeletons only peak my fascination for the human body and how it functions like the perfect machine.

Have you ever written something that made you cry while writing it?  What triggered that response?

I have indeed (as I'm sure you all can figure).  It was a letter to my Mom.  Sometimes when I get upset, far too upset for words, I write down my feelings or thoughts to better consolidate them into organized and understandable parts.  It was one time when I was so emotionally drained, I had trouble even writing.  It involved something between my mother and I and was partially due to me but I can't exactly recall the details.  I do remember writing my feelings eventually but I cried my bloody eyes out while doing so.
Another time could be when I was writing the Pjan blog post.  Now for that, I was emotionally weeping and dying inside because it brought back so many memories of the park and what I learned (and also what could be going on as I wrote).

Explain lightning to a five-year-old.

"Lightning is when the power of the sky meets the power of the clouds.  The cloud shapes go to war with the big blue sky.  The rumbling which is heard is the army of cloud soldiers marching towards the sky, their colors all in grey.  The bright flash of light is the clashing of the clouds and sky forces as the battle begins.  Their energies are truly power which creates the passion in the sky."

How do you feel about bonsai trees?  Have you ever had one?

I love bonsai trees!  The way their bark curves makes my eyes dance.  My Mom loves them too and she was the one who showed them to me.  When we went to Japan, she would always pause by a bonsai tree and I would run my fingers over the curves of the bark.  Just something about them connects to my soul.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

New York, New York, New York

New York, New York, New York

NY is the place to be as a young person, filled with sights and new things to do every day.  Though I am young and seemingly brand new to a dangerous world before me, I wish to call this lovely city my home one day.

Since I moved around so much growing up, finding a place to call home has been difficult, I shall not lie.  Also with the many interests and curiosities I possess, makes it much harder to connect to those in a smaller and more confined area.  However, the human race is a broad species and filled with many evolutions no matter how small.  Finding people to fit in with has never been hard.  The locating part was easy but the completed act was always a little harder.

In NY, the first thing I really noticed was the creative spunk the city has to offer.  Not only is this a place for younger people to explore and grow in life, but also a place for older residents to navigate through.  Even adults and children call this budding life-place home.

As a young person, I feel the city's life more vividly than I have ever felt in a place before.  Having come most recently from Singapore, NY is quite huge!  All the chaos in the streets and jade-walking galore does send me scrambling for my money, but it is money well spent.

Up in the Big Apple, I am fortunate enough to have two cousins living there and running their amazing lives.  I spent a weekend up there with them to further explore the city from someone who is closer in my age's eyes.  The two of them are both quite lovely and so where their houses.  They both have a commute into the city but it is one which is quite entertaining to take.

I find in this city, one is never bored.  It is impossible to feel empty inside and lonely.  The space around you is filled with strangers but still they offer comfort, your soul knowing you are among your own.  Many of the people on the streets in the later part of the evening are closer to my age and are quite the out-going types.  Street dancers, rappers, and performers take up this darkness as their own and show what they can offer to the city.  Like a human sacrifice, they offer up their creations unto the public eye, un-judged.  This sacrifice, if you will, is also something that makes such a place truly unique.

I remember, while sitting on the steps of a quite communal area -with street dancing around me while rappers babble their stuff behind me- my cousin points out a man high in a shop lifting what appears to be tin cans as arm weights.  This amusing sight brought a smile to my face immediately.  Such would only be something to witness in NY.  It was unclear if the gentleman lifting these medium-sized cans knew he could be easily viewed (his silhouette) or not, but such things did not matter.  I was surely not judging him on his actions, simply allowing myself to find the humor in the situation as I am sure he would have done if the tables were turned.

Seeing that in the evening surely made one of my nights, also not to mention dining at an outstanding Japanese Ramen place.  As you may already know, I have a burning passion for ramen (the Japanese kind) and to find a great place in America made my heart smile.  Also sharing a delicious meal with people I care about and who understand me quite well could not have made me happier.

One of my main reasons to visiting NY this weekend was to check out NYU and how I would like potentially living here to attend college.  After seeing the city and exchanging words with the people, I can defiantly see myself here and hopefully attending the great college here.  Surely this is something I should aim for and set my standards on.  NY alone is a perfectly balanced and chaotic place to spend college years.  There are sports teams not too far out of Manhattan and great academic and arts facilities to meet people in.  For me, I am sure NY will suit me well indeed!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Music Night in New York City~ A Poem

Music Night in New York City

It's loud but soft,
the taste of youth and merry in the air.
Words become song,
guided by soft humming
which cuts the evening like a blade
of spicy sound
to tingle the tastebuds within the
Tangy couples break
the nothingness of reality.
Sweet aromas of the mid-day snacks
whet the hunger
for more
of the audible delectability of the
dancing music notes swimming
out of the
blood of the woman I call
"Forget me not," chimes her voice.
"I shall never," I reply
as her songbird chirps away at my
Now I am branded
with three letters
on my soul...

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Humanity's Evil Ridden Existance

Humanity’s Evil Ridden Existence
            Mankind have not always ‘played nice’ or been the best ‘sharers’.  What we find, we tend to keep and hold on to.  It’s our way of life and because we are simply animals, in Ishiguro’s world within Never Let Me Go, it demonstrates the ideal human existence.  By demonstrating the clones, he paints an unbiased image of what humanity is and what we are capable of because we were able to completely strip people to just our shells and in the end, butcher them for our glory.
            This novel is relatable to the Romans and in their Golden Age; thousands were massacred on the floor of the Colosseum, the prize of many emperors.  This was one of the things which humanity frowns upon as we reflect on our past but in all truth, our past is what makes our present.  By the blood of the thousands dead in the sand of sadistic glory driven killers, we learned how to cover up our evil urges and deeds by attempting to justify them to some degree.  After some saw through the emperor’s blood lust, Christians replaced the slaves in the arena.  Nero and many others claimed that they deserved to die because they were different.  In the animal kingdom, those who are too different are put to death at natures hand, whether she be swift through the claws of a predator or the creature’s same species.  Humans are the same.  Fate and Mother Nature play games with out lives and weave out a tapestry as the Greeks believed.  The three hags belonging to Fate weave, tie, and snip away our existence with each other.
            This concept of playing God and exposing what humans are really made of it prevalent in Never Let Me Go because of the environment Ishiguro places the characters in.  The setting of England has changed dramatically from what we see her as today, as any dystopian novel likes to play off of.  However, he brings forth a world that bares the fruit of humanity’s darker labors and exposes how much we try to cover up our lust for evil.  Our subconscious minds strive for what we presume as ‘good, what we have been trained to feel as good.  Inherently, we have lost what it means to be ‘good’ or ‘evil’.  Few have considered that one is actually both.
            Cloning and other activities in which the human race is destined to dabble in, creates a particular environment which nature had never intended.  The sole act of creating a genetically identical being to one already in existence is defying basic laws of nature and natural selection.  DNA is never meant to be repeated to the exact chromosome count and chemical makeup, nature has made that so.  However when Ishiguro brings in clones to a hurting world, similar to the fascist future that V frees England from in V for Vendetta, it opens up our darkest fears.  For it is no secret that we humans fear what we do not know and Never Let Me Go is something we all do fear.  Just thinking about the thought of having an extra body if yours should fail is not as paralyzing as one might wish to believe, already showing how numb we have become to valuing other life, but when that extra body reflects the ideals and experiences of another human being, we fear deeply.  These clones represent a mirror to the dirt of humanity’s soul and how far we can stretch our tricks, telling ourselves that we are really humane and understanding of life around us.  We fail to miss how we would hypothetically treat clones.  Already such treatment of other organisms is prevalent today in animal testing, where we shove down our comforts on innocent life around us.  The fact that these creatures cannot emote as we do allows us to tell ourselves that it is morally forgiven by our own ideal of mercy and justice.
            Just as V believed, chaos will open the eyes of Madame Justice when she has become infatuated with the diseased ideal of right and wrong.  Madame Justice’s statue and symbol is that of a woman, a fellow homo-sapien.  If we humans can personify such an ideal as justice in the form of a fellow human, does that imply that we believe that we have a structured concept of justice within our hearts or minds?  The hypothetical treatment of the clones is proof enough that we are incapable of stopping when enough is enough.  Hailsham’s existence was for those in charge to attempt to assure the world that these abominations, which we created, would be treated ‘humanely’.  According to the dictionary, the adjective humane means “having or showing benevolence or compassion” ( but in Never Let Me Go, “maybe the reason you used to [throw tantrums] like that was because at some level you always knew” (275) that things would never be as the authorities claimed they would be.
            “The fantasy never got beyond that-I didn’t let it-and though the tears rolled
            down my face, I wasn’t sobbing out of control.  I just waited a bit, then turned
            back to the car, to drive off to wherever it was I was supposed to be” (288 Never Let Me 
            This quote is the last few sentences of the book and its significance is how it outlines the passion and passivity of these clones.  They became passive because of how badly they lost what it means to be ‘human’.  In a general sense, most of humanity today does not truly understand what it means ‘to be’.  We go through life as though it moves around us and we push through it like a thick fog.  Instead of pushing back at what we call life, we need to let it pass through us without loosing what it means to be active.  ‘To be’ is not just a verb, but also a way of life and describes the proper way to exist in a world where evil surrounds you.  Evil tempts you and promises the sweeter fruits from the tree of evil.  Though humans know that fruit may taste better, we failed to see how badly we would fall by sampling its deliciousness.
            A ‘clone’ by definition is “an organism or cell, or a group of organisms or cells, produced asexually from one ancestor or stock, to which they are genetically identical” (  Really, they are just the shells of what we deem as proof of human existence.  We look at our own bodies and believe that there is something more than a brain, which dictates our lives and feelings inside.  We hope that there is more around us than really is and that is why science is the bane of our existence.  It is the bridge upwards and once you reach the top, do you see how far it plummets downwards into destruction and nothingness.
            Ishiguro reveals how science is believed to be humanity’s cure from death that we fear most, but instead reflects our true and deeper malignant nature.  We would so selflessly undermine another’s existence to preserve ourselves which returns to Darwin’s theory of natural selection and nature’s law.  Even in literature, we keep searching for monsters and explanations for what goes bump in the night.  Never Let Me Go gives us a flashlight in the dark and what we see staring back at us is ourselves.  We are the true monsters and we are the true evil of this world.
            V attempts to disregard the government who has reduced the inhabitants of England to passive and silent sheep.  The clones too were dehumanized to become animals that were eager to be herded and even at the end of the novel, Kathy was herded off to her presumed doom.
            Humanity’s fear creates a veil to attempt to shroud our deeper and subconscious desires for eternal life, youth, sex, and power.  To the core of our existence, we are reduced back to animals.   No matter how hard we try to shake what we really are, the three Fates will prevail.  Mother Nature places us all back to our most basic forms, just another organism trying to reproduce and compete for life.

            In the end, we are nothing more than our shadows and trickery.  V held a strong point, revealing to us that through our theatrics that we call daily life, there are no ideals left to guide our motives for freedom.  There shall always be evil but freedom is the path to open more eyes to the capabilities of our ‘humane’ society and it’s smoky mirrors.  The true strength behind our struggle against evil is the fact that “ideas are bulletproof” (V for Vendetta) and with ideas and with freedom in a little chaos, mankind might be able to amend our evil spark.

The Portrayal of Childhood in "Never Let Me Go"

Never Let Me Go's Portrayal of Childhood
            We humans have the longest childhood experience in years compared to any of our animal relations.  Our years of growth and development outlast all other species.  Ishiguro, in Never Let Me Go, portrays childhood well, according to most readers.  The ways he can access the mind of a young person without making them sound less intellectual as an adult but as immature as they ought to be, shows his deep understanding of childhood and word-smithing.  Also this shows his deep, premeditated characters that he knows well enough to be able to convey himself as through their younger minds.
            When first introduced to Kathy, she seems unable to properly get herself through to readers because her mind is so active.  She scrambles through thoughts as though her fingers can barely keep up with her.  However, this leads to a little inconsistency and getting very off topic.  Even she notices it sometimes.  Readers seem to connect this style with Ishiguro’s method of portraying a younger person and by having them narrate, he makes them more believable as being an adolescent rather than a miniature adult.
            Ishiguro’s overall portrayal of adolescence is extremely actuate because he reacts just as any other adolescent would in the situations he puts Kathy through at Hailsham.  In one instance where the girls are talking about sex, Kathy portrays it as any other girl would: curious, a hint of dangerous excitement, and wonder.  But, in the end, she really does wonder “where we had all this sex” (97) which shows the mind of an adolescent in its simplest form, always questioning what others say and deem as the ‘norm’ or ‘cool’.  Also how she believes that sometimes “there was no way people would understand my reasons for doing such a thing” (134) as we all feel sometimes at an age, connects to how our prefrontal cortexes are not properly developed yet, therefore making us self conscious and unpredictable.
            What is most realistic about his portrayal of the children is in the passage of time where they begin to be told more, as the readers are as well.  Ishiguro bridges the gap between the innocence of the children and the innocence of the reader.  To the children, their eyes are slowly opened to the world around them and for the readers; our eyes are opened to the plot of the novel.  The minor plot points of Never Let Me Go relate to the character development and serve as a test for the readers.  Then as more is revealed and about how Kathy is really a clone in some sickened world, the readers can relate to what it feels like to be a child once again, when the world hits you in bits and pieces, most of them not making sense until a bigger piece is added.
            This technique of adding a little breadcrumb of plot as the novel continues is parallel to what the true meaning of growing out of adolescence is and with the talks of sex and seeing Kathy’s “possible”, it only shows the stronger connection.  These child clones offer up their organs and body parts to humanity or their ‘original’ as children in our reality would offer up pieces of their innocence to a darker yet more ‘real’ world.  Perhaps this is Ishiguro’s true intension but even incorrectly, this metaphor still might serves as evidence to bridge our adolescent reality with the portrayal of adolescence in Ishiguro’s mind.
            The portrayal of children and the mind of a child in Never Let Me Go flaunts it accuracy in the ways Ishiguro places Kathy in more mature situations and plays off of how her mind does not see the way an adults’ would, thus guiding her actions to be slightly immature or awkward.  Also how he alludes to a connection between our reality and the novel in the growth of each child to what he reveals in the plot per chapter depicts a deeper connection, which reflects the gradual growth of a child into an adult, not forgetting the occasional tangents and side-plot.
Works Cited

Ishiguro, Kazuo. Never Let Me Go. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2005. 1-155. Print.