Saturday, August 22, 2015

Fruits of the Mind (Part 4)

Fruits of the Mind (Part 4)

How do you keep yourself organized?

I mainly just feel my way through my environment and slightly map out a basic plan in my mind.

Do you still believe in anything old-fashioned?  (Example: writing letters)

Yes!  Very much.  Writing letters is a very intimate and personal thing; so by taking the precious time to allow your thoughts to become words on a page for someone, it resembles your touch to their soul.  Besides writing letters to people, I still hang my wet clothes out to dry.  I also love it when a guy acts like a proper gentleman (no swearing, holding doors, walking beside the road, and knowing hot to cook...) and takes me on actual dates before becoming exclusive with my consent.

What is your favorite Olympic event?  What event/ sport do you think they should add that is not currently available?  What event/ sport should they remove?

Probably the poll vault is my favorite event because of the skill it takes to actually launch yourself into the air over a poll.  I wish they would add gladiator-eqsque fighting tasks (without the death and mortal wounds).  The Olympic committee should remove some of running events because there are just too many.  Before I forget, I would also love to see archery on horseback at targets added alongside jousting.

Can beauty be found in chaos?  How do you describe chaos?

Beauty exists within chaos as does chaos in beauty.  The two are very intertwined.  Firstly, chaos is unplanned survival which can be exampled by how well humans did when a plane crashes or something.  There won't be a lot of 'humane order' and we'll all fall back to our animalistic instincts which are deemed as players in chaos' game.

Beauty is in the eyes of the viewer (which could include one's self).  Chaos always has a point of view whether we like it or not.  Therefore, yes, beauty can be found in chaos.

Write three original fitness-related motivational quotes.

1.  "Enough is never really enough."
2.  "The burn means you're doing something right."
3.  "Push, push, drink."

Do you have an ongoing project?  What is it and how will it benefit you?

Cosplay (do I really need to explain anymore about what it means?).  It is going to benefit me by teaching me a lot of great skills like time management, organization, makeup, costume making, prop-creating, budget management, etc...

Do you dwell on the past, or do you move on pretty easily?

I overthink things a lot so the past stays with me too much, though I tend to exist so well in soley the present.  I never move on or transition well so generally, it's pretty hard for me so the past can never really die for me.

Rename these boardgames to describe them better.

Monopoly:  Get Boardwalk/ Capitalist House Leasing
Scrabble:  Words
Clue:  Murder That Is Definitely NOT a 'Mystery'

Which social media app is your favorite?  Why?

None.  Social media is a red devil, one which is really bad but is painfully necessary.

Is acting a learned skill or a natural talent?  Why do you feel that way?

A natural talent which can be improved and nurtured to grow.  The deeper skill needed for acting is based on natural talents like not being afraid of people, being open-minded, and loving life (just a few things).

I feel that way because acting is a very diverse skill and requires a lot of multitasking.

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