Saturday, August 22, 2015

Fruits of the Mind (Part 3)

Fruits of the Mind (Part 3)

Give three examples of situations where "silence is golden".

1.  When getting yelled at when the other person is at fault or blaming you whilst being in a rage.
2.  When you are upset and need to think.
3.  When you are truly at peace and in your happy place (sometimes to enjoy another aspect of an experience, one must use other ways of communicating or receiving).

Do you think with your heart or with your head?  How has that helped or hurt you?

My head because I almost always overthink things.  Most of the time I've only played it safe but that has hurt me a lot before too.

What would you do if you were transported to the European Renaissance period?

I would try to meet Leonardo daVinci and speak with him about the inspirations of his genius inventions.  I might also want to marry someone in high power or find true love in a small farmer's cottage.

Name something you wish was "glow in the dark".

Body paints (cheap ones that I can actually get my makeup greedy hands-on).  I would love to make a glow-in-the-dark Harley Quinn and her Joker to go along with the Bat Family.  Also cosplays which glow in the dark deem amazing!

Name your favorite childhood superhero (a person you thought was invisible).  What fond memories do you have of them?

My grandmother on my mom's side, Shirley Vogel.  Grandmother was always on the ball and a bunch of unbiased fun.  My favorite memory was when her, me, and my little sister, were drinking Pepsis outside the town center where she used to live alone.  Grandmother was burping and farting with the rest of us because of the carbonated liquid.  We laughed then enough for three lifetimes each.

Have you ever thought about climbing a mountain?  If so, which mountain?  What do you hope to gain by this accomplishment?  If you have climbed one, describe the experience in detail.

I climbed the Jungfrau, the highest alp in Switzerland.  I 'climbed' it with skiis with the Wengen group during the ski trip.  I was able to ski down it and even once went off-trail to do some exploring.  I will never forget the icy view and how the wind blew through my body as though I wasn't even there.  A part of my mind was left up there to revel in the amazing view and atmosphere forever.  The immense power of the mountain and how it prevailed over the skies inspired me to leave behind a legacy like that mountain.

What "lessons" do you feel kids today are not being taught?

The importance of spiritual connection to the world around you.  It doesn't have to be through faith in religion but should  greatly involve the power of the soul.  Kids should realize how powerful the human ability to connect with other things is.  When your soul can reach out and feel so deeply the soul of another, nothing else can come close to the development and awareness one can gain.  The sooner one harnesses that ability, the more fulfilled their life becomes and can grow to truly become.

Whether we admit it or not, homosapiens are extreemly spiritual creatures and we desire such connections to maintain a fulfilled life.  I have found that children are more naturally tuned into the spiritual realms of the universe and when young, they can learn to better harness their spiritual beliefs to aid them when they mature.  Too many children these days fail to see their potential in the universe's energy because it has not been encouraged in their younger life.

Name a song or band you like and explain how it fits into your lifestyle.

Five Finger Deathpunch is an extremely passionate and effecting band.  The songs that emerge from their collective brains capture my deep feelings and views which I may not be comfortable revealing to myself even.  Also because they have a slight metallic spin to their style, it allows me to express a seemingly more violent version of myself which everyone around me does not know I am capable of.
  • "The Pride"--> American capitalism
  • "Coming Down"--> depression and teen suicide
  • "Wrong Side of Heaven"--> war veterans and their struggle
  • "M.I.N.E. (End this Way)"--> falling out of love and suffering on a personal scale to gain more from life
  • "Battle Born"--> finding yourself based on what you have made it out of
  • "House of the Rising Sun" (cover)--> finding your place in life and not letting your past define your future

What wastes most of your time?

Thinking.  I always think too much and it causes me to often times forget what I need to do next in a transition of life.

Do you feel like you are on the right track?

No because I have lost who I am in moving and trying to restart my life in its more crucial point.  I feel constantly afraid of what I see in myself and also what I am discovering in my surroundings.  In what I have been through and what I feel may come, I am facing who I truly am or becoming and no lie, it does make me afraid at times.

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