Friday, April 19, 2013

Music and the Soul

I play the violin.  I love it because I have been playing for about four years.  I am not that competitive for the lead soloist position but in the few years when my musical talents have soared, I have started getting competitive for the position of Concert Master.  For those who don't know that term, it is the person who is like the playing conductor who sits in the first row on the conductor's left hand side.  They need to know the first person's piece best and they set an example for the rest of the players.  I have started getting competitive for that placement for it is an honour.  You work with the conductor and help him to maintain order during rehearsals and so forth.  You help the other musicians and tune their instraments.  Thus, the Concert Master must be the best player.  Last concert I was awarded that position.  I was overjoyed!

I have started feeling competitive because music has taken a part of my life to stand in.  It makes my heart soar, being a part of a moving, breathing, playing orchestra in mid piece, when everything is flowing smoothly and wonderfully.  I feel my heart soar and nothing can go wrong.  Usually, I am right but even in that perfect moment, one still needs to stay with the music and not fall behind.

In every living thing, music moves them.  When you play something to a dog, they bark or howl with the music's tune.  They might act differently out of fear or happiness.  This is just because their soul feels the music's tug, sometimes granting them wings to fly or tears to cry.

Even plants seem to grow faster with more low key music than rock or heavy metal.

Since we humans are more complex than our animal cousins, our brains act differently to different types of music.  Most people call this a musical preference.  I think it is which ever music the soul rests in.

Comment if you like this post or if you have any stories to add.  :)

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