Wednesday, April 17, 2013


There are two types of peace.  The inner peace what can be obtained  by an individual and the peace between two or more people.  Today I am going to talk about both.

First, the inner peace, which is most important.  Inner peace can be given through religion, confidence, and mental understanding of one's own life.  Inner peace is mainly based on one's own self and emotional rock or core.  Take religion.  I am part Christian.  I find peace through believing in God and the trust relationship I have with him, offering up my life to something I believe and honour.  This gives me peace because I trust in Him because I know he will improve and use my life for his glory.  Other people find inner peace through their emotions.  Emotions can be from contact with other live beings or from one's own thoughts and confidence.  Many children who suffer from abuse or alienation form too young an age suffer later in life at finding inner peace.  Also, young bullying can cause these effects but younger than normal.  I have struggled through bullying and dealing with other problems related but I have kept my inner peace all the way through.  Some children can find this because their emotional core is sturdy and anchored to something permanent.  Like for me, what got me through troubled times, I found Christ.  He anchored my soul and lead me to the green pastures.  Even now, when I feel troubled, I still find that peace within myself.  This keeps me going because even when things get bad, I just know they will have to get better.

Then there is the peace between contact.  This can involve a peace between countries, family members, humans, or animals.  The most common type of peace is when one's presence is acknowledged by another human being.  In the Animal Kingdom, this is known by body posture or acceptance.  In humans, for we are animals too, we can use our words or feelings to express how we feel about people.  Peace is a fragile thing for it is often resembled by a dove.  If someone grasps a dove too tightly, it will break its wings to fly.  If one holds it too loosely, it will fly away and not come back.  Peace can be passed on, like a gift but once one receives it, it is hard to loose it for it sinks deeply into one's mind and soul, giving them something to live for.  This kind of peace turns into inner peace after a while.

To receive peace, one must work for it.  Not in the way most people think.  We see the word work and we think it is something hard to get but I am using the word work very lightly.

Last night, I was at the American Club and I have recently sprained my ankle playing soccer (football for you Brits out there :D).  I was waiting to get a taxi home when a young, middle aged man approached me.  He was carrying gear for perhaps his children over his shoulder.  He looked very happy and full of friendly love to pass on.  He smiled and asked me how I hurt my ankle.  He then asked if I play professionally and I said not really. He smiled again and asked if I was waiting for a taxi.  I nodded and he said this,
"Yes, we are also waiting for one.  My son over there plays soccer too but not professionally."  He then sticks his arm out and calls a taxi over for me.  He opens up the door and right before I head off he says this,
"When you get home, prop your foot up and get some ice on it."  When I got in the taxi and headed home, I felt a wave of humility come over me.  I knew I probably won't do what he did for someone. If they were struggling with something, I would help them but he noticed me!  This just made me feel so humble.  Then I had a feeling come over me.  It made the burden lift from my shoulders, it made my heart feel numb with pride and happiness, and it made me feel like I was breathing fresh air, healing my brokeness.  This man truly taught me an important lesson on humility and how peace can influence your life.  If this man is reading this right now, thank you so much!  I owe you so much because that little thing has changed my view on life.  Thank you!

Besides that, he opened my heart and has given me the passion to write this entry today.  I dedicate this passage to him.  I only wish other humans could reach out as he did, bringing all of us closer together, showing us that no matter how much hate there is in this world, there will always be the good to battle against it.

Thank you again, all of you who are reading this because those who take the time to read what I have to write will be at peace for someone out there might be ready to make the really wrong choice in ending their life.  I dedicate this to everyone who has felt unwanted, hopeless.

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