Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Boston Bombing

I was stunned, like everyone else.  Who?  Why?  How?  These questions were just the start of my feelings.  I heard about it after a few hours after it happened.  I was on my way to school.  I go to the Singapore American School so by the time I got there, everyone was glued to the news, watching the clips from YouTube constantly, hoping for some light through the darkness.  Today my teachers were talking about it.  One teacher in particular opened my mind about the bombing.  She told us that perhaps the bomber just wanted to bring back fear into everyone's lives, seeing we forgot what true panic felt like.  She went on to speak about how perhaps, sick minded the person that did this was, so set off a bomb at Boston's most precious marathon. I heard many people were running for the survivors of the Elementary bombing not too long ago.  At our school, we often talk about the occurrences in the world, especially America.

I think in my mind how that bomber felt.  I heard that s/he had placed other bombs in the Library and in a restaurant.  My mind traveled to the bomber's thoughts.  What could s/he have been thinking before doing that?  This was obviously planned for a long time for the bombs were home-made and strategically placed.  Also, s/he thought about it for a long time and made strategic placements because they knew that at 4 hours, many people would be in the stands and more runners would be coming in (the average time for the marathon).  The two bombs were placed in the stands.  I heard that not many runners died or got hurt but many spectators did.  A young eight year old boy is now sitting in Heaven, sitting with his God, looking down on this spiralling world of hate.  This just angers me to the core, thinking of how a young boy's life was wasted for no reason, just to cause panic.

Imagine if that boy was yours, gone from you forever.  Now you must put him into the ground.

A lot of people got hit by the scrap metal that flew from the bombs.  There were about 48 limb amputations that uncured that day, 8 dead so far.  Why does the God up there let this happen?  I try to think that he has a plan but I catch myself doubting the real positive reason for all this horrible, hateful occurrences these days.  If Christianity says God loves us and we are all under his creation, why does he create other to kill our 'brothers' and 'sisters'?  How can anyone allow such hate?  I know that "hate breeds hate."  Is there any real way to stop hate from growing?

Martin Luther King Jr was the most famous (besides Gandhi) who used peaceful protest.  Today, is peace the better option?  In some cases, war is for a rightful cause but are the casualties necessary?  Can you imagine how the parents feel after getting the letter saying their boy won't be coming home for Christmas?  I certainly can't.

I has been said that people would rather burry themselves before their children and now I see why they think so.  If I were to have kids, I would think the same.

I pray for the victims of the bombing and the families.  I do know however that which ever God you believe in, there is always a better outcome tomorrow.  I know that for a fact. A few months ago, my life was pretty bad.  I was very sad and I felt like nothing could ever get any better but it did!  I have found true and honest friends and my bonds with my family have strengthened more.  I know that God has a place for everyone and we are all just players in His great plan.  He knows what to do with this world and how to act.

If there is Light, there must be Darkness.

I do know that if there is a good God, there must be his 'shadow' lurking to corrupt his highest pride and joy, us.  Satan, Lucifer, the Devil, or what ever name you may know him by is really out there, waiting to take us away from our morals.  If you are still questioning your beliefs or faith, Satan still lurks and tries to tempt you away from your self morals.  God / Jesus fights for your soul against Satan and so does he but the real winner is determined by us.  It is better to be an atheist that go along with temptation and self greed.

My heart just sobs when I see a fallen soul, full of hate and self doubt.  Satan may seem tempting but he does not carry through with what he promises.  The Christian Bible tells us that only God/ Jesus caries out his plans and promises for you.  Satan only gives you what your physical body needs in this life, not preparing you for what you may face when your body dies.  No matter what, even if you beleive in scientology, your soul must go somewhere.  Some think it sleeps in the body it dies in but I think that is just doubting yourself.  A soul is something that connects you to the Circle of Life and gives you a purpose.  Some say your brain gives you your personality but your soul gives you a connection to your creator and to your animal cousins.  It proves that your are mortal and you life is there.  Without a soul, there is no proof of a life worth living.  Buddha agrees what a soul is the thing that connects your life to everyone else's.  That is what I also believe, at the bottom of my heart I believe the same thing.  I just know it is true.

I am almost fourteen.  What can I possibly know about life at my age.  I know many people think I am older because of the way I think but I just have seen the world differently.  I have met other kids just like me, as well as grown adults.  i learn a grow everyday, that is what I seem to live by.  Maybe we all just need to see the world differently and things like the bombing won't happen.  If we all just see the link between our creation and look at the animals, the earth, and ourselves as being gifts, we can live in true peace.

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