Thursday, April 18, 2013

Companionship (Friends)

This is something humans cannot live without.

Studies show that as human beings, we value companionship highly because we are very social creatures.  Scientifically, we need this feeling to live.  Without feeling valued by another human, we feel our lives are not worth living.  Suicide victims choose that way to go because they feel like no one cares anymore.  Believe me, I have felt that no one cared about me but of course, suicide is the coward's way out of things.  I kept struggling, hanging on by a thread, hoping, waiting for something good to occur in my life.  I showed myself and the God I believe in that I can get through the hard times.  I believe the more suffering you endure during your lifetime, the happier things will be when you get older.  Eventually the pain of this world will fade away and you may find real peace in death or later in life.  Friendship is at the core of our peace and emotions.

By having a friend, people bond with each other and enjoy spending company together.  There are a few things needed for a good friendship.  The first and most important is chemistry.  If the two don't have that natural enjoyment of each other, there is no use trying to make the friendship continue.

Second is effort.  Without effort, nothing would get done.  Each side of the friendship must work at things to make it right and to allow the bond to progress and get stronger.

Next is trust.  Trust builds the true bond between two people, sealing away their stranger like qualities and allows the two to get very familiar with each other.  People who know other people's secrets feel empowered, knowing they have a 'piece' of the other person's soul.  This is most commonly why people tell each other secrets for this bonds them together.

Keeping a friend though is more difficult.  Making a friend in a day is simple, you just hang around with them and feel like you trust them enough to give them your email or other contact so you can learn more about them.  After the month part of the friendship, you both should know quite a lot about each other.  Now it gets harder.  It is easy just to have a whole pile of 'temporary' friends but they come with their own risks and consequences.  You cannot really tell them many secrets because you cannot trust them for too long.  That is why I only befriend people I can be friends with for a very long time, perhaps my whole life (preferably).  I still keep in contact with a friend I made when I was about 7-10 months old.  We are practically like sisters even though I have been living in another place from her for about 5 years.  :(

I do try really hard to maintain friendships because everything pays of in the end.  You are surrounded by people that have the same interests as you and when you are old enough to leave the house, the whole world opens up before your eyes.  It is good to have someone (many people) to visit or be with.  Not only do friends make you smile, but they also offer advise that parents cannot give.  Friends go through the same feelings and things as you.  They have had different experiences and met other people but have the same feelings and usually understand things better than your parents.  They are good to have around to help you make choices that your parents wouldn't really understand.  Also, their company makes you feel secure and loved.  :)

Friends depend on each other and act as unrelated family.  Almost like a half sister or brother.  Once you tell someone a large secret, it is their duty to hold onto it and keep it safe form prying arms of the outside world.  A friend is the one you go and cry to, telling them all of your pains and feelings because they listen.  They not only listen with their ears but with their souls.  They try to feel what you feel and understand what you go through each day.  A real true friend is someone who you could switch places with and they would understand how you life works and would be able to survive.  I really feel that way for about a few people and I know that we will be friends for my whole life!

For all of you who read this blog, share it with your friends and spread the word.  Comment to correct or share your ideas with me. I need topics to discuss too.  :)

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