Thursday, October 17, 2013

Curved Memories

Curve.  It makes me think of playing baseball with my dad.  I used to play when I was younger and still enjoy it.  I would go outside and play the game with him on the street or the backyard.  Even though we both knew that I wouldn’t really be able to play the sport when I got older competitively, we played on.  He taught me everything he knows about the game and showed me the proper technique to play well.

One day he came home from work a little late and with a big smile on his face.  He had something small and brown wrapped in a plastic Wal-Mart bag.  He uncovered it and handed me a small baseball mitt with my name on it.  I smiled and beamed with joy.  My mother behind me chuckled and gave me a hug.  Dad grabbed his mitt and ran outside with a baseball.  We played all the way until dinner time and had to go it.

Whenever I go back to my old house in America, I always go back and look at our old quoldisack; or as the kids on the block knew it, the Baseball Park.  We used to play games there, right outside Lynn and Joe’s house, the older couple that lived in a nice house with a beautiful garden.  My family became very good friends with them and so did all the kids.  Since their kids were all grown up and moved away, they missed having little kids around.  They treated all the kids that would stop by for lemonade and cookies like their grandchildren.  I love them and I am always so happy to go back and see them.  Anyway, they would tend the garden and watch us play.

Not many of the other kids were my age so I only had a few friends.  One of them, who was exactly my age lived across the road.  She was sweet and cute.  We were together since we were little babies and as our parents became good friends, so did we.  We would sometimes play with my Dad out on the street although it did have a slight down-hill curve to it.  Nothing mattered to me and her for we were together and having tons of fun.

Now when I return home, to that curved street, all I can think about are the people who stood here with me; Lynn and Joe, my neighbourhood friends, my relatives, my parent’s friends, dogs and cats, the people who lived on the opposite side of the road, Margaret, my Father, my Mother, my little sister, and me, most of us no longer there.  Margaret moved away to a bigger house to accommodate all her siblings (they are so cute!!).  Lynn and Joe are moving away too and he dogs and cats no longer go out to play with us.  Old memories will we never forget, on that curved, concreted black street world.

The Movie Review - Of Mice Of Men

I saw the move Of Mice Of Men and it really struck me because before that I had read the book in class.  Together we discussed the purpose of the film and what was like the book and what was not.  I really enjoyed the movie because as films always do, it drew me closer to the people I had been reading about.  I saw them in flesh and felt more attached to who they were.  When I re-read them in the book, I feel as though I know them more personally and we have a special connection.  :)

The movie really brought some things into clarity for me because the only two parts that I was confused about.  The first part that I was confused about was how Candy was involved in Lenny and George’s dream.  In the book, the dialogue and how that portrayed confused me and I didn’t really understand but in the film, the dialogue was a little simpler and the people there saying it makes it easier for me to visually portray it.  Also, when Lenny killed Curly’s wife.  In the book, I could barely visualize it because it happened so fast.  In the film, there was a deep visual aspect that allowed me to connect back to the book and see it actually happen based on the book’s dialogue and word choice.

Through the film, overall, it captured the spirit of the book and the main themes.  The strong bond between Lenny and George was portrayed beautifully because not only could the audience visually see the chemistry, there was also a good aspect of subtle humor between the two and family love.  Through the film, it actually showed and got into more depth about their relationship.  In the book, you just read about them always being together and looking out for one another but when Lenny was in Crook’s room, he defended Lenny with a fierceness in his eyes.  Also when Lenny was getting beaten up by Curly, George really had this helpless look in his eyes of hate and the need to go and help his friend.  Also, how the two moved brought to life their bond.

Sometimes in a film, the audience cannot understand the theme as well as they could if they read the book.  In other films, it is the other way around.  This film seemed to nicely balance the two.  One could still go see the film but then want to read the book after.  Some of the very physical scenes, in my opinion, were portrayed better in the film than the book and certainly the ending was more impactful in the book.


Sometimes people will ask me to explain what pride is.  Pride is something felt and not really meant to be understood.  That is the whole aspect of its existence.  It can be something dangerous and something tantalising.  Many things come along with pride and well, I wrote something about it in class and want to expand a bit more here:

Pride can be dangerous, as it is something to protect or respect.  It kills men through anger and hate but saves people through learning to manage those negative feelings.  As pride is something to be gained, it is also something that is to be understood.  To me, pride is just another feeling of self esteem but in a more honorary form.  It is similar to chivalry in my mind (as a fencer) because if someone wrongly shames you in a bout, your pride is stung by theirs so you want to regain your pride or honor.

I was once talking to my little sister about some topic that I knew a lot about.  I asked her something specific about it to tease her about how much she didn’t and that she should listen to her elders when they speak to her (all in good fun of course).  Much to my surprise, she got it right and talked as though she fully understood what I was talking and learning about.  We had been learning about eating right in healthy and she had learned more about proteins and carbohydrates than me!  When she outgrew me on the subject, my pride was stung and I felt bad about myself.  Sooner than I thought, I got to talk to her about a sport which she didn’t know about but instead of teasing her, I explained it to her so she would understand it and learn.

Also, there is the negative type of pride that certain people can posses.  It is when they stick their nose up at you or shame you for just being you.  This is because on the inside they are insecure but on the outside, they have built themselves a protective shell of this false pride emotion.  It makes them feel better than everyone else and to them, we are all just underlings.  Now, I once saw two girls, VERY popular girls walk past each other in the hallway (this was at another school).  They bumped into each other, thinking the other was going to move out of the way for them.  Clearly their egos were too high in the sky and they had too much false pride...

pride= doing something wrong and fessing up...

pride= doing the right thing even though it might hurt.....  why...

Although, pride does teach you to be humble. Perhaps one day we can let go of our pride because it also connects us back to our egos and that messy stuff. People who often disregard their own egos are the ones who are shunned of thought strangely of. I think those people should be commended for their sacrifice and brave standing on life. Are any of my readers one of them, because I always strive to be. I hope I will be when I am fully grown, ridden of my pride and concept of ego.

Getting Along With Someone

When I try to talk about this, one quote comes to mind: “climb into his skin and walk around in it” (from To Kill a Mocking Bird) and it means to think or see from [that/ a person’s] point of view and think on it a while.  It is significant to everyday life because as human beings, we are entitled to our own unique opinions, thoughts, and in order not to be judgmental or be judged, we must exercise this principle.

In my lifetime, I have had to deal with this quote directly.  I first found of it’s common theme through the Bible readings in church.  I was a little girl and I stumbled upon the actual passage when I would read between the pews.  In my life, I always try to understand other people before myself, finding out more about them and understanding the way they ‘tick’.  It does come in handy when you are talking about what you are passionate about because you can empathise with the other person or people listening.  From this one can alter what they are saying just slightly to capture your audience's attention.  For example, you would not cure the academic facilities if you were talking to the superintendent but you would explain the negatives and some positives.  Overall, this quote has allowed me to think through and deeply into what I say and how I share my ideas about the world and what we are doing on it.

Another time when I was slapped, one could say by this quote, was when I forgot about using or thinking about it.  I was much younger, elementary school, when I wanted to go down the slide first.  There was a little boy in front of me and I gently shoved him out of the way so I could go.  When I got home and told my mom about how I was always first on the slide.  She reminded me about this themed aspect of life from the quote.  Not only does it affect when we speak to people but also how we act and think about things or people.

Monday, October 14, 2013

10 Things to Do if You're Bored

Well, hi everyone.  From the poll I created, I found that my readers would like to hear more about this topic.  I find that this was the highest rated post so here it is...  XD

  1. Don't have a bored mindset.  Then, everything becomes fun and not boring.
  2. Listen to your favourite song/ type of music.
  3. Invite friend(s) over.
  4. Talk to your parents or siblings.
  5. Go outside and play sports.
  6. Create something (arts).
  7. Play mind games or riddles with yourself.
  8. Try to dance or do cool par-core.
  9. Go out for a jog.
  10. Write and think about life.
Personally, 10 is my favourite, as you all can tell.  :)

Well, that was short and sweet and if you guys enjoyed it, please comment and continue to rate the poll at the bottom of the blog.  This really help and thanks.  ;)