Friday, July 18, 2014

Shoutout to my lovely viewers! :D You know who you all are...

Hello everyone yet again.  Elena here and guess what made me smile today?  I think some of your awesome readers may already know...  :D  You all! Yes, I often check where people are reading my blog from.  This setting also tells me who many people have read my blog.  If you have a blog, I am sure you are familiar with this cool function.  Not only does it give writers more confidence that their writing is being enjoyed, but it also tells us what kind of topics to write on based on the location from where the readers come from.

Today I went on this cool function and smiles a big smile.  Since I have already proudly reached 2,000 viewers, I have decided to take a closer look on where these amazing readers were coming from.  I found this:1046 of my viewers are from the United States!!!!  Wow...  The United States of America enjoys reading my work.  Now, I know that the US has a huge population of people and my amount of viewers is only a super small amount, but none the less, I am still very pleased.  This means a lot to me.

As a young writer (in some sense) and believer in humanity, everyday when the number of viewers goes up even by one, it brings a smile to my face.  Perhaps that means that another soul read some of the work I put a lot of time into, as well as my soul and feelings.

Keep reading and don't forget to vote on the poll at the bottom of my blog page.  Remember, your answers and comments are valued deeply!  :D

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