Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Cosplay (again... I guess...)

Yes everyone, I went to another Cosplay. Well, you could say I brought the Cosplay to where I went. Today I was at drama classes (yes I study over the summer...), which is more like a fun camp (we are soon going to put on the play Julius Caesar), in celebration of Batman's 75 birthday/ anniversary, I dressed up as the Joker and my friend Batman.

Let's just say, it was epic. Anything with the Joker I just epic, but this was more than that even!  Because I am a woman, I cannot gender bend to become a man for the day.  Instead, we just rolled with it and made our own version.  Now Harley Quinn though, she is too cool and slightly inappropriate for drama classes (we still had to do blocking in iur costumes).

Instead we just really made the Joker look really interesting.  There was a lot of stuff in him and cool makeup to frighten away the heroes.

Actually, I got cut by my dog just yesterday and it was right where one of the Joker scars actually is.  That is what gave me the ultimate idea... Why not be the Joker for my favourites Hero's birthday...

Then today I got all decked out...  I took inspiration from a few of these:

Ultimately, that lead the this...

Because of this 'cosplay' I actually got a few people interested in doing it with me next time, if I actually go with it...  I am not very good at doing the Joker's voice so...  Maybe, maybe not...

Anyway, tomorrow we are doing something similar.  At our classes, the theme is super Hero's and we decided to crash with the Joker and his minions.  Of course, Batman will be there to try to stop him...  "Mwahahahahahhaha."

We really are going to do a little skit where the Joker turns another hero (nick from the avengers) into his own minion through his strange laughing gas (which makes you 'laugh to death').  The Joker then places a Joker smile on their face as they then are officially converted into his minion.

Wish my group luck for it will look like a flash mob...

Thanks readers and if you all really want to see the pics, comment and share below.

Oh, just before I forget, you can't have the Joker without his Harley...

Friday, July 18, 2014

Shoutout to my lovely viewers! :D You know who you all are...

Hello everyone yet again.  Elena here and guess what made me smile today?  I think some of your awesome readers may already know...  :D  You all! Yes, I often check where people are reading my blog from.  This setting also tells me who many people have read my blog.  If you have a blog, I am sure you are familiar with this cool function.  Not only does it give writers more confidence that their writing is being enjoyed, but it also tells us what kind of topics to write on based on the location from where the readers come from.

Today I went on this cool function and smiles a big smile.  Since I have already proudly reached 2,000 viewers, I have decided to take a closer look on where these amazing readers were coming from.  I found this:1046 of my viewers are from the United States!!!!  Wow...  The United States of America enjoys reading my work.  Now, I know that the US has a huge population of people and my amount of viewers is only a super small amount, but none the less, I am still very pleased.  This means a lot to me.

As a young writer (in some sense) and believer in humanity, everyday when the number of viewers goes up even by one, it brings a smile to my face.  Perhaps that means that another soul read some of the work I put a lot of time into, as well as my soul and feelings.

Keep reading and don't forget to vote on the poll at the bottom of my blog page.  Remember, your answers and comments are valued deeply!  :D

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Hello my lovely readers.  I am in a great mood today (more like for the past few days actually...  depside my knee and long plane rides).  As some of you (hopefully all.  :P) may know, I love certain things in life like travel.

About a year ago over the summer, I was given the opportunity to go to Japan.  Knowing me, you all know what happened next (I TOOK IT WITH A 'HELL YES' FACE).

It was AMAZING!  Firstly, Japan is super unique (like me).  Secondly, there are Asians there and not many tourists (cool).  Next, there are a bunch of cool cultural experiences to look into and try out, as well as the food.  Lastly, everything there is a little funky to super traditional.  The younger people are pretty modern and almost space-like.  Their clothing is definitely 21st century and hip.  Then you see older people walking around in traditional clothing and shoes, functioning as well as the younger people.  This is find very interesting.

Well, being Japan and harbouring my love for cosplay, I knew I had to buy a few things.  One of the things I NEEDED (and I ask for very few things) was the Itachi Uchiha Akatsuki robe.  It needed to be perfect and very high quality.  Many of the other robes that are sold in the United States or other parts of Asia are not as high quality and the designs on the robe might not be in the correct (according to the manga/ anime) places.  So, picking this robe was tricky...  Way harder than anything I have ever really done before.

After a few days of looking around in Tokyo, still no robe.  (I think I might have told this story before...  If so, just bare with me.  ^.^)  We decided to just (not give up but...) look another time.  With heavy hearts, my family and I (mainly me.  :P) moved on for the rest of our trip.  On our last day back in Tokyo we decided to look one last time.  We had only two hours until our flight left and we spent them wholeheartedly searching for this robe.  Finally, in the last few minutes and last possible shop, we find it.  Not only was this the highest quality robe I have EVER seen/ felt, but it fit perfectly!  (I try to stay away from the 'fit like a glove' phrase because frankly, no gloves ever fit me.  I have weirdly small child-hands.)

Anyway, being back in Tokyo, we wanted to stock up on some more cheaper and higher quality cosplay materials.  For my sister, she wanted the Sasuke Uchiha cosplay costume to match and go along with mine (being siblings).  We searched and searched but nothing.  There was a cosplay the very next day and we needed to get her something desperately.  Still there was nothing...  Eventually we had to go with buying her a Naruto Shippuden outfit (which fit her perfect!) and a long blond girl's wig.  Since that is NOT Naruto's hair, we made her into a girl version, which actually has been cosplay-ed in before.

The next day we woke up early at around 8am and ate breakfast.  When we got back to the room it was around 8:45am and we got right to cleaning our face and getting on our shirts (and for my sister, her orange jumpsuit).

After we did our make-up.  I did hers (as usual) and when we finished, it was 10:30am.  We decided to take a taxi there and we sadly had forgotten to do our eye-lashes but no matter.  :P

(I PROMISE to put up pictures as soon as I get them downloaded and developed.  :P)

Well, that was my Tokyo experience.  I am now back in the United States and kickin' it here.  ^.^  Peace out peeps and until next post.  ;)