Tuesday, February 11, 2014

To: My Birth Mother. From: You Daughter, Elena Morey (Fransuzava)

Well, you readers have asked me to make a memoir to someone that has influences my life.  Well, I thought I should start at the beginning of me.  Now, some people may look up to their father or other relative more than their mother but I think that your mother should receive most of the credit.  Of course I know that it takes 50% of the DNA from you father and then 50% of DNA from you mother but seriously!!!!?????  Your mother carries you for 9 freaking months!!!  9 MONTHS!!!!!!!!  Imagine if humans were more like seahorses.  The males carry the foetus for a few months (I'm not sure how long exactly) as the mother would in an external pouch.  If males did that, than I think we could equally share the respect levels for our parents.  Sometimes in this situation, the male could just impregnate the female and then step out of her life, leaving her with his child.  That is (in my opinion) I give the female most of the credit and respect for the child's birth and such.  Moms will always have a special place in my heart.

This is about my mother.  My birth mother, whom I have never known or seen.  I have never had the privilege to hold her tight and call her mine.  I bet she could not as well for I was left in the hospital.  Thankfully she left her name and other such paperwork behind for me to perhaps find her one day, which I will!  I will know my mother one day and hug her.  I will hug her tight and tell her I will never let her go again...  I will make that promise to her because I believe that it must be kept this time.

Some may ask me how she has influenced me even though I have never met her or seen her.  But, I feel that the clues are in me.  I feel that not only am I 50% like her genetically but also perhaps mentally.  Being raised by someone else as my parents does influence me but I still strongly hold onto the belief that I have some of my mother in me, as well as my father.  I feel that they have been the invisible influence in my soul, mending me where I could never be healed.  To this day, not a slight minute goes by when I do not wonder or ponder the existence of my birth parents, especially my mother.  From what I know about myself, I believe that my mother is smart or educated.  She might be also physically strong or my father was the athletic one.  My mother then would be artsy and a musician.  My mother now has also wondered with me about what kind of people they would be...

Now I am not trying to defend them or make up good things about them to make myself feel better.  I really think that they were somewhat like this because of the way I am today.  There are some scientifically proved attributes, physically and mentally that I have inherited from them.  Here are some of them.  :P
  • my small and strangely shaped feet
  • my eye-hand coordination
  • double jointed abilities throughout my body
  • heightened nerve connections through my body which I can manipulate and control with ease (only some things - eyebrow tricks, toe curling and such...)
  • my artistic talents (music, visual art, drama)
  • my love for people and animals
  • my eyes and their unique shape
  • my strange hair.  ^.^
  • love for anime and manga
  • love for people and philosophy
  • intrest in science and medical biology
  • religious mind and body
And most importantly, my passion for life.

If my birth mother happens to be reading this, I want to thank you for giving me life and giving me initiative to please and perhaps one day, find you.  Tons of love,

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