Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Halloween Horror Nights 3 (2013) at Universal Studios Singapore

Hello folks.  I heard about this amazing event from a friend in August.  I really am into Halloween and this year I really went all out.  I am still washing all the blood off me and around the house.  :P  The fur also is difficult to clean up and stuff.  The kuni knife has dirt and blood on it and hopefully it will come off with time.  :)  anyway...  I went to the Horror Night here in Singapore at Universal Studios and I was terrified upon entering.  Although I love Vampires, Werewolves, Magic, and all other sorts of horror (besides puppets and dolls...) so when I go there (after months of research and video watching) I started to enjoy myself.  It was the best time of my life so far...  The first scare zone was called Attack of the Vampires and it was set in around the 16 - 18 hundreds and there were vampires and then victims.  The town was actually set up quite well.  There was blood everywhere and I was greeted by a pale old man...
The Old Man In the Front of Attack of the Vampires
This was amazing for me to see because it got me into the right mood and so forth.  It made me feel so welcome into the Attack of the Vampires.
At the Entrance

The Demons Have Emerged

Dracula posed for me!!!  XD

"Meek Human!"

Demons Come Out To Play

Help Me?

The Dying Victim

Posing Vampire About to Strike

Werewolf Victim

The Wolf
And That was all for the Attack of the Vampires but here comes the Convention of Curses...
At The Entrance

The Show Begins

The Flash Mob

The Gods of Death

Gold Goblins

The Sacrifice Tree


The Sacrifice Begins

Eimoptep Emerges

Outside the Mummy

Steampunk Demon

The Tree of Death
And I am very happy to have spend the majority of my time there.  It was not meant to be as scary as all the other scare zones but I think it pulled scary off well still.  :)  Renaldo there (made up a name.  :P heheheee) I think was the best because he had a character developed.  Whenever I went up to talk to him he would always make me laugh.  He remained in Character the whole time and really enjoyed what he was doing.  He made my friend I went with, Charlie laugh too.  He is more into magic and that sort of stuff than me and he found some 'friends' there.  :P

Now there was one more scare zone but my friend, who was sort of nervous too refused at first to go into it.  He was scared and so was I of the Asian side of Horror.  I dragged him through the whole thing holding his hand and I found it amazing.  The horror was personally quite funny.  One scare actor was just wrapped in a body back and had his head and feet wrapped up in it but sticking out of the end.  He had this funny expression of randomness and just looked funny.  He made me smile.  Because Asian horror is most commonly the scariest of them all, there were not nearly as many scare actors there because people are more afraid of that.  Instead there were two haunted houses, House of Possessions and Songs of Death.  The theme of this year was the Three Sisters, the Hag of the Woods, the Undead, and the Phantom-ess of the Opera.  The scare zones were after them and Songs of Death was for the Phantom.  The House of Possessions was for the Hag and Adrift was just on its own.  The Attack of the Vampires was more for the Undead sister.

I couldn't take any pictures sadly about the Asian horror because someone was holding my hand the whole time and I didn't want to jump and drop the phone when I got startled.  Lolz.  XD

The Adrift house was about a haunted ship that went 'adrift' around the 1600s and finally came up to shore.  The crew are half dead or ghost and you have to get off the ship before you become one  of them...  It was interesting because they did a good job establishing it was a sunken ship.  The first part was with things coming up out of the water at you and the next parts where as you got higher up on the ship.  The scare actors inside were superb.  They could get up close to you and speak to u in character.  The thing that scared me the most was in two situations.  One was early on in the house when there were two scare actors on either side of me.  One was a half dead bartender and the other was some sort of waiter.

The whole experience was quite amazing.  Next year, because I am into drama and the arts, I am going to try out to become a scare actor.  Wish me luck all and don't forget to leave a comment.  Tell me about your Halloween experiences and I'll keep you posted about if I make it or not.  :)

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