Monday, February 4, 2013

What is beauty?

What defines beauty and how does that effect one's view on love?

That seems to be quite a puzzling question now.  Love is a powerful thing.  It has driven a lot of history and problems.  Love seems to be a very difficult topic to write on because it is a personal experience to everyone.  Love is an emotion and emotions cannot be expressed well with words.  First, I'll start with what is love.  In my opinion, love is a feeling of a good chemical relationship with another person through looks or personality.  Love specifically is the feeling of belonging with the person you desire to be with.  Love is not really desire, it is just made of up it.

Beauty is even harder because the words doesn't really explain the meaning.  The dictionary is even vaguer but again, the words connects with an opinion or feelings almost.  If I could rewrite the dictionary's definition, I would write this:

"Beauty is the feeling of attraction to the physical form of a living thing of ones own species."
I guess that pretty much summarises what is beauty and love but more importantly, how are they connected?

Beauty is needed to find love but I seem to disagree with that.  For love is acquired for something based on a few things, not just the physical form.  (Beauty can also mean the beauty inside a person like their personality but I am going with the more general meaning.) Love seems to be a good  and balanced combination of beauty of the outer form and the personality traits one might find attractive or have similarities with.  For example, in the animal kingdom, one might simply mate due to instinctual impulse or based on the other gender's type of DNA makeup.  That is almost like a human's version of love but based on the attraction of personality and form combined.  It is still human instinct to mate with the person that will grant the best offspring but isn't that now slightly determined by our own feelings, therefore putting our species higher than our animal siblings?

Beauty and love are together but always separate.  Love becomes a more serious feeling than just having an opinion of beauty towards something.  Although, one cannot find love if they have nothing truly beautiful in anyway in their lives.  That is my theory.

Please comment, readers and tell me what you think.  I still am thinking no one is getting to read my blog.  I find that strangely worrying somehow.  Well, next week my topic is going to be on 'what is pain and how does one define the feeling'.

Hope to hear from my readers.  :D


  1. Love and Beauty are emotions we as humans have created along with many others through our decisive stronger and generally better intellect than other animals. However it is a true emotion i suppose but a good article indeed.

  2. Beauty and Love- that's a tough topic to tackle. Love is hard to define- means different things to different people and there are different kinds- parent-child, husband- wife, etc.
    You've done a good job trying to tie the two.

  3. Human emotion is not something I would concern myself with.
    Love only creates problems. However, nobody can survive without help from another. Without love your own family wouldn't care enough to house you, feed you, educate you,...etc.
    That being said; hate Isn't the opposite of love, apathy is. If you hate someone you care enough to feel emotion towards them, Apathy is not caring at all.
