Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Fruits of the Mind (Part 2)

Fruits of the Mind (Part 2)

Describe what common sense means to you.

Common sense derives from the basic laws of nature which are engraved in our instincts.  Humans, possessing slightly higher intelligence, are capable of expanding these instinctual laws to things like "Don't swing on that broken swing, you'll fall" or "Don't eat what fell on the floor, you could get sick 'cause the ground is dirty."  All those things lead back to our instincts to survive and maintain our ability to procreate.  Anything that seems to put that on the line is believed the be 'common sense' to avoid.

What gives you a sense of security?

Music.  Music is always there for you even when everyone and everything else abandons you (or cannot fill the holes in your soul).  The way the rhythm moves through ones body can actually affect ones heart and only proves how physically music can touch us!  We all already know how the music can touch the soul but how it also can move the body means there is something that music can do to our bodies which is even more mind-blowing.  Through my whole life, music has shaped how I feel and will continue to feel forever (I am sure).

Name five things that you are most thankful for right now.

1.  My life--> I'm still alive to write this.
2.  My brain--> it keeps me going (no one has it harder).
3.  Love--> it's always in the universe no matter if I am feeling it or not.
4.  Hope--> it's my middle name for God's sake (doesn't that say enough?).
5.  Music--> see previous question for explanation.

What season is your favorite and what do you love most about it?

My favorite is winter because everything dies and strangely enough, is covered in the pure white snow.  It is interesting because since there is so much death, one might expect a lot of gloomy colors but the white snow covers up the death and makes things seem brighter.  It is just a truly interesting time and fun to ponder about.

Do you think chewing gum is beneficial or just a bad habit?

Very beneficial!  Science shows chewing gum at certain times may improve your memory and allow you to recall points from your past.  Also it helps pass time and entertains your conscious mind.  I actually wonder why I've never been chewing gum in my dreams.  Science does show that those kind of things do affect the subconscious but it's never appeared in my dreams.  Interesting...

How do you tend to handle confrontation?

I tend to relax and internalize almost all of it, no matter whose fault.  I will gladly stand in dead silence while the other confronts me in whatever manner they chose best.

Do you have a favorite visual artist?  What is your favorite work of art by them and how does it speak to you?

My favorite visual artist would be Leonardo DaVinci because of the way his brilliant mind speak so clearly through his work and inventions.  He was a true art pioneer for his time and even now!  He was able to surpass the restrictions of his time to express himself to his full potential.  Even many artists today (including myself) cannot 'properly' or 'give complete justice' to what they create in their heads.  DaVinci was able to get as close to his mind's eye vision as possible.  Also he was a true Renaissance Man, master of more than one artisan trade.  To be a true artist, you cannot only be an artist.

My favorite piece would have to be the sketches he did in his sketchbooks.  They speak to me because the sketchings of an artist show their true mind the best (I think) and he seems much more human and relatable (due to his marks and how he portrays his subjects).

What are your thoughts about reality TV?  Is there any benefit to watching it?

Reality TV is funny in some ways but to me, it is just the exploitation of human existence for capitalism.  People change when other are watching them and judging them.  Therefore, what is seen on the glowing screen isn't really show they are or portraying how they feel.  It's just unfair and potentially able to create something like the Kardashians, which in my opinion is poison to the mind.

What is your favorite store and what do you love to buy there?

Hot Topic without a doubt (Spencer's is second) because of the kooky and out-of-the-ordinary merchandise is sold there.  My kinda people shop there because there are a lot of cosplay stuff there for me to utilize and really awesome band fan merchandise (Fallout Boy, Black Veil Brides, Disturbed, Godsmack, Five Finger Death Punch...).  Also there are Batman, Sherlock, Avengers, and Supernatural stuff galore.

How do you feel about the color red?

I simply love the color red!  Red resembles something deeper within your souls and can symbolize many diverse and interesting things.

Fruits of the Mind (Part 1)

Fruits of the Mind (Part 1)

A while back, I got this book called 500 Writing Prompts and it is AMAZING!!!!  I just want to share some of the things which I have written down from the book.  I defiantly suggest getting this book because as you will soon understand, it not only covers the ridiculous aspects of life, but also makes one thing much deeper about peculiar issues.

If you readers have any interesting questions for me to answer, feel free to comment below or even answer some of the questions I pose.


Name one thing you wish your cellphone did for you that it currently does not.

I wish my cellphone could show me whenever someone is thinking or wanting to text/ reach me (when their phone is in their hands).  That would eliminate me constantly wondering over how people perceive me or if someone whom I wish was thinking about me really is or not.  Also it might cure the issue of people being too afraid to text someone.  Then I could just text them first.

Write ten thoughts that will be stuffed inside fortune cookies for strangers to read.

1.  Fire smells like burning things.
2.  World peace starts with the peace of an individual.
3.  Happiness is never physical.
4.  The soul is never individual.
5.  Patience is not a virtue, 'tis a genetic trait and skill.
6.  Defy your genetics today!
7.  One day the world shall awaken and weep.
8.  Humans are not the superior race.
9.  Apes poses the ability to lie and deceive unlike many other animals... we originate from apes.
10.  Go a day without hate or negative judgment.

If you found yourself in Oz, what would you do differently than Dorothy?

I most certainly would not be as afraid and tedious as she was.  Being in a technicolor new place would seem awesome at first.  I would miss my real life outside it but I wouldn't faff around like she did.  I might try to be intent on making myself something in Oz rather than spending the whole time trying to get home.  Then if I was going home, I would try to bring something magical back with me.

Talk about your favorite pair of shoes and why you love them so much.

I love my converse!  The older they get, the more I cherish and care for them.  They just show one how much you've grown and how many places you've traveled to.  Also mine tear to properly fit my weird feet faster than most other shoes so they are more comfortable.  Just something about how the color fades in them and how they become more and more used to your individual feet makes the relationship one can develop with their shoes very personal.

Do you think dinosaurs and humans could coexist today?  What would make that possible or impossible?

I totally think we could coexist!  However, the only slight problem would be that the humans would try to domesticate or put the dinosaurs in exhibits (following the majority of human nature).  I'm sure everything would end up like Jurassic Park/ World but it's never too late to imagine and try it out (and hopefully learn from those amazing movies).

Finish the sentence: "Life is short..."

...but never too short to do something good for another (be it alive, dead, an animal, plant, human, or inanimate object/ structure).

Do you find skeletons to be interesting or scary?

Very interesting!  Death only intrigues me rather than frighten me.  Therefore skeletons only peak my fascination for the human body and how it functions like the perfect machine.

Have you ever written something that made you cry while writing it?  What triggered that response?

I have indeed (as I'm sure you all can figure).  It was a letter to my Mom.  Sometimes when I get upset, far too upset for words, I write down my feelings or thoughts to better consolidate them into organized and understandable parts.  It was one time when I was so emotionally drained, I had trouble even writing.  It involved something between my mother and I and was partially due to me but I can't exactly recall the details.  I do remember writing my feelings eventually but I cried my bloody eyes out while doing so.
Another time could be when I was writing the Pjan blog post.  Now for that, I was emotionally weeping and dying inside because it brought back so many memories of the park and what I learned (and also what could be going on as I wrote).

Explain lightning to a five-year-old.

"Lightning is when the power of the sky meets the power of the clouds.  The cloud shapes go to war with the big blue sky.  The rumbling which is heard is the army of cloud soldiers marching towards the sky, their colors all in grey.  The bright flash of light is the clashing of the clouds and sky forces as the battle begins.  Their energies are truly power which creates the passion in the sky."

How do you feel about bonsai trees?  Have you ever had one?

I love bonsai trees!  The way their bark curves makes my eyes dance.  My Mom loves them too and she was the one who showed them to me.  When we went to Japan, she would always pause by a bonsai tree and I would run my fingers over the curves of the bark.  Just something about them connects to my soul.