Friday, August 29, 2014

Post Views Sorted By Operating Systems

Now hello viewers.  :)  I am happy that a lot of people read my blog.  Now, I enjoy technology as much as the next teen but hey... Apple is really like a giant monster who eats a bunch of good systems.  I do play games online and on Windows Software and even though they are often times overrated.

Anyway, I thought all my viewers might enjoy seeing how many other people are on the same systems as you, or if you are really unique, like me.  ^.^

Well, tell me what system you use and what system you might want to use...  Personally, I would want to use a Linux cause I have never used them.  :P

By the way, I also want to congratulate my readers on staying with me for about a year now.  I am very happy you all have enjoyed my writings.  I promise you all, I am working on a few new posts now...

(See all the drafts I am working on... all for you my lovely readers...  ^.^)

Anyways, you'll hear from me soon.  Peace out.  :D

Friday, August 22, 2014

Faith in humanity gone.

Today the universe reminded me that reality can smack you in the face whenever it wants.

Anyway, this morning, the person I really love in my life tried to give me some advice about things.  As you might have noticed, the Joker post has been taken down.  My darling Mother talked to me about all the crazies in this world who would do nasty things.  Of course I know this and believe me, I can see what they have done.  I love watching crime shows and reading about the mentality of psychos (I find their mind-sets and drives interesting for psychology).

However, the things that allow me to post pictures of myself on the internet (and rarely I actually do) and talk about myself, is because I trust the world and general humanity.  I find that human beings all have something deep inside them that allows them to connect and relate to other humans and living things.  Many people call this empathy and hope.  Nonetheless, I have that in me (perhaps too much) and I assumed that others do as well.

Being wrong, I was convinced to take down the post.  I know my Mother is looking out for me and just wanting the best.  I agree with her now but really, I am still in denial.  I still think that humanity is better than we all think.  She told me, "That is what everyone thinks.  They all say that it won't happen to them, not this time.  They all think that until their picture is on the news..."  I guess my faith in humanity was crushed.
this was the post i took down.
Why can't people be good to one another?  Why do these things have to happen?

Worse, I also had a picture of Itachi Uchiha and Orochimaru (from Naruto) on my Facebook profile wall, posing together like this:
(the mask on the right is not a devil mask.  it is a traditional Japanese mask worn by the God of Death.  it is not demonic in any form and is more respectful than offensive.)
My Mother again, told me that people might not understand this and jump to conclusion and make wrong assumptions.  "People who don't know you will judge.  People that don't know that you make weird art and draw things like this...  What about the people that haven't seen you in a while think...  Think of your family.  What if you want to get a job?  What if they see the Joker pictures...  What will they think?"

I totally believe that my Mother is trying her best to keep me safe and give me a nice future but what about all the other people that are known for their cosplays, god or not.  What about artists that post their work everywhere, good or not, appropriate or not.  How does society judge them, because like it or not, society is the biggest dream crusher out there.  For the people that are not afraid to break through and be who they were born to be, they are the ones who get shot down.

I am clearly not afraid to be who I want, be who I was born to be and express myself, but why lie to myself and express that elsewhere?  Obviously people seem to enjoy my thoughts or creativity.  Those who don't, I have no right to look upon you harshly either.  You are entitled to your opinions too, as are those who enjoy what I do.

Anyways, I am feeling quite hurt right now, seeing that humanity is as it is...  full of judgment and hatred.  However, there are good things going on as well, but if you haven't noticed, those good things are budded from people taking chances in life, trusting other people, and not judging:  something called acceptance!  I see how these images and things might put me in jeopardy of getting a job, but the people I want to work with are accepting, honorable, empathetic, trustworthy, passionate, and good people.  Would a person I described turn me away from having artistic passions, writing my feelings and reflecting on them?

I live by one major rule of thumb.  So far it has not let me down:
Do whatever you want in life as long as it does not affect other people's learning experience.*

A very simple rule, something easy to live by.  I highly suggest that other people live by it too...

But besides that, I also try to be the best person I can be to my fellow humanity.  I do my best to try and understand people, not judging them for what they do because everyone has their reasons.  If we don't know the reasons, we have no right to accuse them of anything, mentally or verbally.

In all, I do not blame or have any bad feelings towards my mother.  She works very hard to be a good Mother and love me dearly.  I thank her for this eye opening experience.  It has shown me that people are not as loving as I thought and I need to be more careful with what happens to my faith in humanity.

*i learned this from a very smart man, who taught me a lot in this world, who was the one who gave me faith in humanity to begin with...  i give him a lot of credit for the way i live now.