Monday, May 19, 2014

Almost at 2,000 Viewers!!!!

Hey everyone.  I just want to thank you guys for being super supportive and reading what I write.  I do put all my heart and soul into this stuff and just to see the viewer count go up so dramatically really makes my day.  :)

In the comments, please tag yourselves in the comments to get a shoutout from me to my dedicated readers.  :)  I will add you ASAP when u comment.  ^.^

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+Obito Uchiha

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Under a Full Moon (Chapter 1)

Chapter 1
Saberlord strides out of the forest, his mind resting heavily on the words of Sky Lord.  It struggles to pull apart the meanings and faded words overtime.  The old prophecy faded with his many seasons already and he wonders how it could have been.  Only a few seasons ago had he heard the words spoken from Bloodpool’s very mouth.  The powerful bloodline of the Seers passed down from his mother to him.  Before his mother was Sky Walker, the very first wolf to be given the gift of Sight from Sky Lord himself.  She used it to predict the future, reveal the past, and see into the very hearts of all around her.  She, and she alone, aided Mountainlord in creating Mountain Pack, a strong group of elite wolves, their territory ranging from as far as the clothskins’ dens, to Snake Pack in the valley.  Sky Walker had chosen Mountainheart to be the first alpha, lord of the Mountain; thus he was given the title of Mountainlord in honor of Sky Lord’s mighty name.  Over the seasons of work and generations of powerful alphas ruling over the others, Mountain Pack had been the first chosen pack by Sky Lord to lead the way.  The prophecy stated that ‘The Mountain is the closest piece of our Mother that touches me, the sky.  Therefore the wolf gifted with my power, to uphold the world in his paws, will be born from that very rock to be your savoir or destroyer.’

How could Mountain Pack not be from where this Chosen One would come from?  There hardly were any rouge wolves lingering anymore.  Saberlord and his elite wolves had and would chase them out with a few scratches, reminding them not to forget the boundaries of Mountain Pack’s territories again.  As alpha, it was his duty to keep his pack safe, being as it was, the Chosen One would arise soon.  Saberlord could feel it in his bones and knew the dawn was arriving; the dawn of a new era unto Sky Lord himself will ascend.

Hawkeye creeps slowly through the bushes, his instincts screaming at him to turn around, as they always did when he was in this area of the valley.  His senses screamed at him to head back home and stay low but his mind pushed his body forwards.  I can’t turn back now.  He’s waiting for me!  With a determined face and a scrunched muzzle, Hawkeye trudges on, a distinct scent in the air before him.

On the other side of the valley, brown paws slap the pavement in a rushed frenzy, their claws scrapping against the sun-warmed concrete.  Sweat radiates off the curly fur as the body races down the home stretch, the end of human society coming into view.  A small smile slaps itself onto the mutt’s face like a mosquito hitting a U-Haul truck down the highway.  Almost ther - Three tall and mean-looking dogs break his trail of thought.  They jump in his way and he goes tumbling to the ground, careful not to hit them.  They snicker as the mutt quickly scrambles to his paws to face his attackers.
“Thought you were gonna leave town now di’ja, Roger?” smirks the dog in the front of the others, clearly the mutt with a butt and a plan.  The brown mutt looks up at Max, a.k.a Maxyeeeee from his three year old human owner and their family.  Though no one would dare call him that to his face.  The face is just too important to lose for mutts with jus that to go on; and one of them happens to be Roger.

Being a typical dog around society has always been a challenge.  Roger is not the top dog.  I don’t ever remember him getting close.  He always turns out to be the one at the bottom of the ‘dog pile’.  Today happens to be another day when he is reminded that he is nothing but ‘scum and shouldn’t be going around here with his head held higher than the floor’.  Oh how Max loved to see Roger squirm and squeal like a pup.

Today however, Roger had held his ground instead of just hightailing it as he usually did.  This only made Max even angrier, his face twisting up and his lackeys trying to imitate his hunched stance.
“You’re makin’ me pissed, Roger!” snaps Max, taking a pawstep closer to his prey.  The smaller dog doesn’t move back or even flinch.  Max takes back, confused.  His lackeys look from each other and their leader, unsure of what is going on.  Max turns to them and bark, “Get him idiots!”

At his usual signal, Roger takes off as the lackeys take chase.  He turns down the familiar corners and runs for his pelt through the city.  Finally he sees the tall oak brown fence ahead.  I make that slide; they won’t be able to get me!  Roger pushes forwards, his mind urging his paws to hit the ground faster.

In vain, his little body hits the fence hard, knocking the wind out of his lungs.  What?  Ack…  There was supposed to be a little panel in the fence, a broken piece I slip through…  What?  What now?  Roger slightly turns his head to see the lackeys turning ‘round the corner, catching sight of him lying there.  Their snickers make Roger gulp.  Forgive me friend…  I might not make it today…  Then Max turns the corner, last.
“Heh!  You’re pathetic, ya know?” snarls Max, taking his stance over Roger, still lying there.  The mutt slightly whimpers.
“Ha!  Now you don’t want me to hurt you?!  Then why did you run from me, little scumbag?  Hmm?”  snarls Max, rubbing his nose on Roger’s small head.  The lackeys behind him snicker.
“Hey boss…  Don’t ya think we should teach this mutt a lesson?”  Max turns to one of the dogs behind him that dare speak out against him.
“Hmm…  This time, ya little flea-infested skank, you are right!  Let’s show this miserable human-lover what happens when he betrays his own kind!”  Max reaches up to strike Roger with his bared fangs but a familiar scent catches his nostrils.  Frozen in position, the yellowed fear trickling down his hind leg, Max gulps for his life.  Standing in front of them on the grass, right in front of the tall fence stands a tall, lean looking wolf.  Not the kind of hybrid dog-wolves the humans owned but a purebred, dominant male wolf.  Max glances down at Roger and then back at the wolf.  The mutt squirms out from under Max and scoffs.

The wolf goes to stand at Roger’s side, his silver, earthy brown fur catching the sun’s rays.  The majestic-ness of this animal went without hating or comments, for there was truly nothing to be said about the greatness of this adolescent wolf.
“Mut- I mean..  uh…  Ro-Ra-Rol-l…  Oh right!  Roger…”  The wolf meets Max’s fumble with a subtle glare.  Max quickly tries to cover up his failure with a quick cough, a trick his little human tries, “Ahem…  Ahem…  Sorry, Roger…  Uh…  You know this… wolf?”  Roger smiles a big smile.
“Indeed I do!”  Max’s eyes practically pop out of his skull.  Behind him, frozen in terror stand the three other dogs, their eyes watering with tears of intense fright.

The lackeys look to Max for an example to take but instead they find a petrified dog, perhaps even more so than them.
“Max?” asks one of the mutts, glancing at their leader’s frozen stature.  Max does not reply.  The only thoughts going through his head were focused on the wolf standing in front of him and Roger, the mutt who he had been tormenting all his miserable life.  Roger was in the position to do anything he liked to Max, taking his seat of absolute power; boy did this make him mad.  If it weren’t for his big friend, Max would have torn Roger to shreds for challenging the authority he thought he had well practiced.

Roger’s bark tears Max from his thoughts like a pup from the womb, echoing and ringing like bells in his ears.
“What?” Max snaps fearfully back, his ears fully up, tail between his legs.  Roger smiles.
“I said, ‘leave me alone!  I don’t want you picking on me anymore!’  Is that good enough for you?  Ya hear that now?” smirks the brown mutt, ruffling his fur, making himself look larger than Max.  The rottweilers glance around in a panic.  Their leader was being forcefully pushed out of his seat and they all knew it.  In an awkward shuffle of paws and tails between legs, the lackeys move over to Roger’s side, careful to give the wolf as much room as possible between them.  The wolf glares down.  They whimper and move back a little more.  Roger smiles slightly, looking at Max, staring him down.  Max looks right back into those dark brown eyes of his opponent.
“Get out and don’t bother me again, clear?” barks Roger, making the other dogs jump.  The lackeys take off and Max just manages to bark before chasing after them, “Yes Sir!”  Roger looks back at his friend.
“Hey Hawkeye…  How’ve you been?”

The two friends’ paws crinkle on the freshly dew-ed grass in the forest.  Hawkeye stands a whole wolf-head taller than his friend but the two do not care, they couldn’t be happier.  This strange friendship began years ago when Hawkeye, just a kit, was separated from his pack and made his way to the clothskins’ lair.  He met Roger there in their home and became friends.  Though his Father bans any contact with their cousins, Hawkeye can’t seem to let his friendship down, at least until his Father finds out.
“Roger…  Who was that?”
“Oh him…  He’s Max.  His owner-”
“Clothskin…?” buts Hawkeye, looking at his friend puzzlingly.  Roger sighs, forgetting that he had to change his terminology slightly for his wolf-y friend.
“-clothskinned master, is a three seasoned old kit!  He has to obey and come on command to her!  It is the funniest sight of them all!  Boy does he hate it when you bring it up to his ugly muzzle.”  Roger reminisces in the good times of usual beating and scratches he would get for being smart.  Hawkeye keeps walking and finally stops, looking at his friend with a certain look in his eyes.
“Wanna play?”
“Just what I was about to say, Hawkeye!” smiles Roger, crouching down into his attack stance.  Hawkeye mimics his friend and raises his tail up high, his lips pulled back in a friendly way, gnashing his teeth together to intimidate his opponent.  Roger does the same and ruffles the collar around his neck.  He moves in and tries to lift up his friend by hitting him lower down on the shoulder.  Being about three times bigger than Roger, Hawkeye takes the blow and stands his ground, knocking Roger down instead.  Hawkeye sits down on his friend and they wrestle on the ground instead.  Hawkeye flips over and tosses Roger over his body, landing behind his head.  Roger reaches out to snag his friend’s ear with his hind paw but Hawkeye ducks on the ground.  The two scramble to their paws and look at each other, a dog-to-wolf stare-down.  Then Hawkeye breaks the silence with a smile, “Hey, Roger…  Lets play hide-and-seek.”  Roger nods and Hawkeye bounds off into the thickets.

Hawkeye’s silent paws caress the moist leaves of the forest earth.  He smiles with glee as Roger paces back and forth, trying to catch his friend’s scent.  With Hawkeye standing down-wind, any-wolf would know that anything with a nose would not be able to sniff them out.  Apparently dogs seemed to miss out on that important fact in their evolutionary chain sprouting away from wolves.  Roger takes to looking in the bushes and thick brambles for his friend instead of the air.  After a few minutes, Roger still has nothing.  The mid-say sun rises high above their heads, revealing long shadows.  Roger notices his small shadow in front of him.  Doesn’t Hawkeye have to head back home around this time?  He lifts his head to resume looking for his friend, a little more urgency this time.
“Hawkeye…  Hide and seek was fun but I doubt you’ll want your father joining our game…”  Hawkeye hears his friend from the bush behind him and looks up at the sun, hanging right above him.  Thanks to the bushes, his shadow would not betray his location behind them but still, the mid-day sun made something in his brain switch on.  That little switch is called responsibility.
“…And then, to top that, I’m a dog!  A dog that actually has an owner!” complains Roger, shuffling his paws nervously, images of his friend’s father’s tearing into his neck with the large choppers sitting comfortably in his closed moth.  Roger shakes his head and the image disappears.  He sighs, looking back into the bushes, slightly able to pick up on Hawkeye’s scent but not able to pinpoint it’s location.  Damn-it Hawkeye!  Hawkeye’s mind searches through the dark depths to find out what he was missing.
            “Urgh!  I’ll be right there…” mumbles Hawkeye, still shuffling around in the bushes trying to interrogate his memory.  Roger rolls his eyes and chuckles to himself, trying to hide his nervousness.  Hawkeye, always late and playing around...  It is gonna bite him in the tail one day…  Then I won’t be there to pull him out of the fires.

Hawkeye’s furry body launches out of the bushes and lands right on top of Roger. The mutt crumples to the forest floor like a wilting flower.  He then wiggles out from under the mighty brownish wolf as his oppressor falls to the side of him with a playful smile.
            “Goodness, you’re so heavy!  You should lay off the fatty rabbits and start eating mice!  They have a high source of grains and grass!” snaps Roger, playfully imitating Hawkeye’s father.  Then Hawkeye’s teenage memory kicks back into high gear.
            “Got ya!  Come on, I just remembered what I have to get back early for…”  Hawkeye sheepishly looks at his friend, uttering a nervous laugh.  Roger’s face slightly twists with nerves.
“…And I hope whatever you have to get back for didn’t start at mid-day ‘cause we are way beyond that…  I also hope it wasn’t very important…” Roger mumbles, studying his friend’s expression to try and read how important this event was.  Hawkeye shakes his brown and gold fur to eliminate the twigs and leaves from the tangles in his long fur from the tackle.  Roger does the same to his slightly curly short fur, finding it a little harder.
            “You’d better get rid of your scent and then scatter.  The last thing we need is a lousy patrol coming along and finding our scents,” adds Hawkeye, nervously glancing around.  Roger nods and pats the ground with his paw.
            “Sure thing buddy.  Have a good day and I hope for your sake that you get back in time.”  Hawkeye scoffs, “I bet it’s not that important…  I’ll be fine!”

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Under a Full Moon (Prologue)

As some of you readers may know, I am writing a book.  This book has been in the writing stages for about five years now and finally there have been some major breakthroughs in it's development.  I am pleased to be able to write some of the book here for you all to critique with me and my editor.

This book began its journey when I was in sixth grade.  Again, as some of you may already know, wolves are a passion of mine.  This animal is strong, maintains bonds, and accepting.  They also are powerful and not to be messed with and for that, I respect them above all other animals (perhaps even above us homosapiens).  I also have been researching them and I was inspired to write a story about a wolf pack.  Originally I wrote the first chapter out in German class, working on my poor German (at the time).  When I returned home and proudly holding a good grade for my little story, I decided to make it more complex and write it out in English.  From there was born, Under a Full Moon, a tale about a strong wolf and his friends, trying to find who they are and what they are fighting for...  The inspiring thing I believe rests in this story is how the deeper meanings sleep under the simple ones, making this story understandable across many ages (from young adult to adult).

The blue text is what I feel is slightly awkward or can be changed and the red text is what I need to really change (the bare-bones was written down in the red font).

Please comment.  My writing depends heavily on what you all think.  Thanks.  :)  Enjoy...

Under a Full Moon


“In the deep forest, high in the mountains far away from any clothskin populations, there lived the Wolves.  These wolves were known throughout the lands, throughout the species on Mother Earth, as being the most powerful, blood-lusting beings ever to breathe.  They would defend their territories from even the strongest clothskins and their stinky metalbreaths that allowed them to sit inside their bodies.  These wolves meant business and power.  Even among them lay a power even more sinister, right underneath their paws, deeply embedded in the Earth itself.  But, there was a better power in the sky that could match the one lurking below.  These two Gods lay watch over the Wolves of Wolf Mountain and the smaller valley below.  Sky Lord, the wolf that walks on the paths of stars watches down on us from above, the good and powerful.  Then there is his dark brother, Deadearth, the cruel and mean shadow that follows the light.  These two names strike fear and love in the hearts of even the strongest wolves -”
“Like my daddy?”
“Uh…  Yes, Saberkit…  Like your Father indeed…  As I was sayi-”
“But he isn’t afraid of anything!”
“My kit, Sky Lord and his foul brother should be feared.  But Sky Lord should be loved too.  Perhaps my lessons have got something stuck in your mind,” smiles the Elder, cuffing the playful kit with his large paw.  The joy that lights up in his eyes while teaching the kits could not match even the healthiest mate or the thick of battle.  This was pure adoration and wisdom, oozing from the open heart of the ‘Lord of the Mountain’, the most powerful alpha, leading the most powerful pack of them all.

After a few moments of pondering, Saberkit perks his ears up and wakes his mentor and elder-father with yet another question.  Trying not to get another scolding, Saberkit squeezes his muzzle shut, trying not to let the question fly away.  Mountainlord sighs and looks at his grandkit.
“What is it Saberkit?” he asks, aware of his comment’s power on the mind of the curious kit.  As expected, the floodgates of questions opens and the river burst out and into the barren, dried riverbed below, “Mountainlord!!!!  Why are you not the alpha anymore?  How come Father is the alpha male but you are still here.  Father sent away and killed other wolves that said they were alpha.  Why did he not do that to you?”  The kit looks deeply into the eyes of his mentor as though he was trying to lure the answer out of the windows of his soul.  Mountainlord sighs and looks deeply back into the little one’s eyes.
“My kit, listen…  There are times when a brave warrior, even your Father, will have to stop fighting and live according to Sky Lord’s great plan.  Everyone must indeed return to the earth from whence we came.  It is the Circle of Life: birth, pain, life, wisdom, and eventually death.”  Saberkit’s blank expression pressures Mountainlord to explain further.
“You see, when an alpha dies, they join Sky Lord but then their body can no longer carry out the duties of an alpha, they resign or become an Elder like any other warrior.  Becoming an Elder means one accepts their time on Mother Earth is ending and that Sky Lord is the supreme power. He blesses you with wisdom and the next alpha allows the previous one to take over the training of the kits, like you,” smiles Mountainlord, patting Saberkit right between the ears.  Saberkit fluffs his back up again and smiles.
“Now run along now little one.  I believe your mother wants a word with you.”  Saberkit jumps up and scrambles to his paws.  Mountainlord watches as his grandson skitters away like a field mouse.  He could feel the presence of Sky Lord, his eyes staring into his heart but it only comforted him.  He could already taste the fear and anguish that would bubble up inside the little kit on hearing from his Mother that he would be leaving the pack forever.  Mountainlord knew his time was up and that last tale would forever stay in his grandson’s mind.  How he wished he could linger just a little longer to see him grow older but Sky Lord and Earth cannot wait.  He had already cheated them out of his soul twice and Sky Lord would not give him another gracious choice.

Mountainlord sniffs the air and bows his head slightly to Rocklord, signaling him from afar.  His son jumps down from the cliff with ease and in three long strides makes his way over to his father.  Rocklord bows slightly in respect for his father and Elder alpha.
“Mountainlord…  What do you need, seeking me out?  Me of all wolves…” questions his nervous son, already showing signs of the stress brought on by his quick temper.  His father sighs a deep and confident sigh and smiles.
“Son…  A time comes when a wolf no longer is needed on Mother Earth’s gracious body.  It is that time in my many fortunate seasons.  You are a fine alpha and a father; you remind me of myself.  This pack,” he says, looking around at the younger warriors training and the older ones trying to teach them, “have benefited far more from you than they would have ever from me as their alpha.  You have indeed greatly surpassed me.”
“But Father, you brought these wolves together.  You built the foundations of this mighty mountain, hence your gracious title christened upon you by Sky Lord himself!” pleads Rocklord, his mind trying to count how many seasons his father had indeed seen, trying to find the truth with his own mind to force belief and acceptance to flower.

Mountainlord looks at his pained son, the same expression lingering in his own eyes.  Thank Sky Lord I had no other kits or this would be ever so much harder!  Indeed, I am thankful for this one.  Rockkit, born among the rocky hillside that claimed so many lives of the first wolves that followed me over from the valley onto this mountain, the true foundation of the Mountain.  How I miss their faces of joy, hope… the willingness to live as their life blood poured down the Mountain like rivers, their eyes no longer twinkling, dull and paler than they had been in life.  My brethren!  Why must you have left me so early on?  I should have died there with you on the rocks…
“Father!  If it were not for you, there would be no Mountain Pack!  There would be nothing!  You brought our kin here to live in this territory!” pleads Rocklord, his mind clear in his father’s decision but his heart aching.  With a booming voice, Saberlord barks back at his son, the flame in his heart kindling with every word, “All of those wolves are now in the ground and I intend to join them!  My time has come son.  I cannot deny Sky Lord what he wants or has wanted for a long time now.”  With a pained look on his face, Rocklord nods, his heart filling with understanding from the sky.  The clouds drift past peacefully, the night coming, the sun just over the horizon, the last light before the red sun sleeps.  The beauty calmed the Father and the Son’s souls, trusting them with love and hope for reincarnation in Nature’s special way of life.  With a heavy sigh, Rocklord nods and smiles at his father, “So be it then Father.  We will miss you and ask Sky Lord to honor you in your new life walking The Sky.”  Mountainlord nods as he turns his back on his son, trying to hide his tears.  His paws scrape against the rocks of the new alpha’s den, for the last time.
“So many memories…  So much death…  So much love…  So much improvement…  Well Sky Lord, it looks like the day has come.  Are you ready for me?” whispers Mountainlord to the rocks under his paws.  Feeling a wave of peace and relaxation, the Elder alpha picks up his heavy head and walks on, a slow and careful pace.

Right at the border of the Main, Mountainlord turns ever so slightly to allow his son to hear his last words, uttered from his lips like words to a lover in the middle of the night.
“Judgment is coming.  Be ready…  My son…”