Sunday, May 26, 2013


Truths are really necessary in the lives we lead today.  Think about all the things you say in a day.  We say a lot, perhaps more than we should sometimes.  Well, we may end up saying some things that might hurt or lots of things that lift people up.  That's how things should be, it's only normal.  Although, I am not ever feeling normal...  That on its own is usually labelled as a bad thing in this modern society.  You hear comments all the time about people acting too strange or too far from the "status quo"...  Gossip only exists if people take a step out into the ocean and do something out of the ordinary.  Although, the way we talk usually leads right back to our morals or values.

I value people's opinions.  I listen and I talk, as usual.  The thing most people don't do is analyse that you hear based on what kind of aura the person is emitting.  Many people can easily tell is someone is lying.  It is mainly because they might be giving it away in some form, maybe blinking rapidly, fidgeting, playing with their hair or clothing (which is all very ok, everyone can make mistakes)...  But there is some other technique which is usually always overlooked.  That is the person's aura.  It is the soul's way of communicating directly to someone else's.  Charisma or social chemistry comes form this type of hidden communication between people.  This also occurs in animals or other species because we are all created by one being or BANG.  But, when one lies to another, their aura can change colour, feel different, or act in a different way.  Some auras target certain places on another's aura, maybe staying higher up, lower, middle, or circling from behind.  The aura's actions are mainly based on the person's intensions or acts, maybe before or after the aura is sent out by the soul.  Now, highly skilled investigators can somewhat sense this aura or get a feel of where it is.  Now, someone who is insecure will have a very wavy aura, one that lets the other aura dominate it fully, very passive and transparent.  The other person can sometimes pick up on this through body language or the way the person speaks but if you were to pick them out in a crowd, one could see it through the aura.

Also, some aura's come through to people as colours.  I seem to be able to feel the other person's aura at times, controlling mine at will.  Some people can't control their auras for they haven't learned to feel for them or understand them.  Imagine this, put yourself in an imaginary bubble.  Feel every inch of it around you, giving you just enough space to move but not something that will constrict you.  Now try and close your eyes, imagine this bubble.  Now, everyone's bubble is a different colour and size.  This is almost like your aura because when most people do this, their aura mimics it because you are manipulating the aura through willpower.  Once you get the hang of this, move it around you and try to feel the way it moves.  Now, it won't feel like you are actually moving some object but it will feel transparent or illusive.  I have learned that my aura is multi-coloured.  Sometimes one's aura is based off the core being of the soul, like an outer representation of it.  Mine is always changing based on my deep emotions, for example, when I am writing on this blog right now, my aura is a light blue or green, a warm colour.

Most people can mistake this aura talk for intensions.  I think intensions are what the aura is trying to say that the person can't or doesn't want to.

Well, thanks to all of you folks that read my blog.  I hope you enjoy more in the future.  XD


I drift through time, space, through non existent things.  I feel the presence of other living things around me but I cannot see.  Then I am pulled away from them all, going forwards into nothing.  I feel another presence before me, an older, more developed one.  My vision begins to clear and I see before me an aged man, floating but yet his feet are planted firmly on nothing.  He looks at me and smiles.
My, she is beautiful.  He has worked his magic on her.  Karen will be blessed!  I can’t believe He could give this child so much in so little time and in one body.  My!  I move towards her, my old legs moving with the energy my body forgot I had when I was a child.  My knees bend effortlessly, unlike  the creaky feeling I  had felt before, for they had been oiled by eternal life.  Her small soul shivers before me, not out of fear but of the freshness of life’s cold nibble on her pureness.  I smoothly take my wrinkled hands out of my pockets, rearranging the acorns and nuts for the squirrels.  My hands outstretch to touch her, now or never again for it will be a long wait until she takes the one way trip to visit me again.  When my hand makes contact with her aired soul, a gush of warmth overcomes me and I smile.  I feel the peace of Him run through me.  She does not say anything but she just smiles, not with her face but with her heart and soul.  Her eyes twinkle and go wide, too undeveloped to properly see me.
“Child, everything is going to be fine.  I want you to know that.”
His warm, calming voice overwhelms me, sending my head spinning with new feelings and sounds, though his lips do not part.  His hands hold my face, touching my forehead and shaping it slightly like clay.  He overlooks everything, making sure my features are fully formed and in his perfection.  I feel another presence, something more powerful and inspiring come over into our space.  It does not speak and it does not move but it is what it is.  I feel a powerful sense of self move into me and I begin to fully see.  I can see the older man more clearly, a quirky mustache perched on his upper lip.  A few wrinkles around his eyes but they definitely surrounding his smile.  This man truly must have smiled upon a thousand suns to have become this happy!  He takes my hands in his and I look down at my body, now full and human like.  Pure, I am in front of him, perfect in his eyes.  The old man sits down in front of me and rests, his mind fresh but his body fading.  I sit down with him but he does not let go of my hands.  I feel a warmth run over them as feeling comes into them.  He heart beats fast and I can hear distant voices but they are faint.  The other presence leans over towards the old man and he shifts his weight.  He looks back at me and smiles a golden smile, warming me up inside.
“I want to give you everything, Elena.  I want to make sure you know I will always love you and will always be with you, forever and ever.  Thus, there is so little time for me to do so but I know you will always remember me.  Though you have never met me, I give you life,” coos the man, letting go of my hands.  I look down at them, my own hands slightly wrinkled, as the old man’s..
“He has given you amazing gifts Elena.  I now give you the ability to use them for His glory,” I smile, tapping her forehead lightly, sending in His grace and forgiveness.  Her eyes shutter and I feel the tug of life in her, pushing her gently away from me.  A twinge of sadness pricks my heart but I push it away.
“Love Elena, love your heart out and always forgive those who hurt you because only others can hurt back.  Take my wings, for they will let you fly,” smiles the man, taking my hand in his again, walking with me towards the voices, getting louder and louder.  I can just make out what they are saying but then I feel a tug and an uncomfortable push around me.  Then the light fades and all I see is darkness.  I feel around for the man’s hand.  He squeezes mine reassuringly, urging me forwards.
“I love you!” he says as I am met with light.

This is a work of Non-Fiction.  My grandfather died on April 27th, 1999.  I was born on April 28th, 1999.

My adopted parents married in 1994 and they wished to adopt a child.  They prayed and hoped for one and their families watched over them.  They submitted their paperwork in about November 1998, hoping for a child they could raise as their own.  

The day before Harold Vogel died, Karen, his daughter asked him to ask God to send down a child for them.  He held her hands tightly and nodded, promising he would.

Four months later, Karen and Mark Morey received word through mail that there was a baby girl in Russia who needed a family.  They went through all the paperwork and soon they were off in Russia, awaiting the official meeting with me.

As soon as Karen saw me she thanked Harold because she could feel deep down inside that I was something special, sent to her from him.  He kept his promise.